भाकृअनुप - केंद्रीय रोपण फसल अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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# File No Date Title Download
972 E.F.No.3(2)Asst.Tech/2020-Estt.Part(2) 20/02/2025 Promotion order - Shri. K. Manikandan, STO
971 E.F.No. 6(PF)Arunji.G/2018-Estt. 19/02/2025 Pay fixation order - Shri Arunji. G Senior Technical Assistant ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
970 E.F.No. 6(PF)/Suvith/2019-Estt 19/02/2025 Pay fixation order - Shri Suvith P.S Senior Technician ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
969 E.F.No. 6(PF)Anoopkumar/86-Estt 19/02/2025 Pay fixation order - Shri Anoop Kumar. P.P Senior Technical Assistant ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
968 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 10/02/2025 Temporary transfer of Sri V.K. Gopalakrishnan, Technical Officer
967 E.F.No. 6(PF)/PKK/2022-Estt 05/02/2025 Pay fixation order - Shri P.K.Krishna Kumar Senior Administrative Officer, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
966 E.F.No. 5(32) VRS/2021-Estt. 05/02/2025 Withdrawal of voluntary retirement - Smt. Jayashree. K, Assistant
965 F.No.6 (PF)/Neenu/2015-Estt. 24/01/2025 Relieving order of Dr. Neenu S, Senior Scientist
964 F.No.3 (2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt. Part (2) 23/01/2025 Promotion of Technical Personnel
963 F.No.8(10)Intr-Inst-Tran.S/ci/2024 10/01/2025 Intra-Institutional transfer of Dr. Neenu S, Senior Scientist
962 F.No. 6(PF)/PKK/2012-Estt 08/01/2025 Joining Order for the post of Senior Admnistrative Officer
961 F. No.11(21)/AIPR/2024-Estt. 07/01/2025 Submission of AIPR for the year 2024 through eHRMS 2.0 Portal
960 F.No. 8(8) Distribution of work (Scientist)/2020-Estt. 02/12/2024 Assigning of additional duties in addition to normal duties
959 E.F.No. 6(PF)/SPAULRAJ/2016-Estt 12/11/2024 Pay fixation order- Dr S Paulraj Senior Scientist, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
958 E.F.No. 6(1456)-201O-Estt 08/11/2024 Pay fixation order- Dr. (Mrs) Prathibha P.S Senior Scientist, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod
957 F.No.(PF)VSP/89-Estt. 30/10/2024 Relieving order of Shri. Pakeeran V.S, Skilled Support Staff
956 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt. 29/10/2024 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
955 E.F.No. 6(PF)/Ramesh.SV/2016-Estt 28/10/2024 Pay fixation order- Dr. Ramesh S.V Senior Scientist, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
954 E.F.No. 6(PF)/SUREKHA/2016-Estt. 24/10/2024 Pay fixation order-Dr.(Mrs.) Surekha Senior Scientist, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
953 F.No 11 (6)HOLIDAYS /2020 Estt. 23/10/2024 Holiday List for 2025
952 E.F.No. 6(PF)/Rajkumar-2012-Estt 22/10/2024 Pay fixation order-Dr. Rajkumar Senior Scientist, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
951 E.F.No. 6(PF)1565/2019-Estt 22/10/2024 Pay fixation order-Sri Aswin Reghunath, Assistant, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
950 E.F.No. 6(PF)/Panjavarnam/2015-Estt 21/10/2024 Pay fixation order-Dr. (Mrs.) Panjavarnam G Scientist, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
949 E.F.No. 6(PF)/Sumitha.S/2014-Estt 21/10/2024 Pay fixation order-Dr. (Mrs.) Sumitha S Scientist, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
948 E.F.No. 6(PF)/VHP/2011-Estt 21/10/2024 Pay fixation order- Dr. (Mrs.) V.H. Prathibha Senior Scientist, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
947 E.F.No. 6(PF)/AparnaVeluru/2014-Estt 18/10/2024 Pay fixation order - Dr. (Mrs.) Aparna Veluru Scientist, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
946 E.F.No. 6(PF)K.Vanamalini/2022-Estt. 16/10/2024 Pay fixation order-Smt. Vanamalini.K, Skilled Support Staff, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
945 E.F.No. PF)Aneesh/2013-Estt. 16/10/2024 Pay fixation order-Sri Aneesh E.M, Skilled Support Staff, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod
944 F. No. 7 (28)8/202 2-Estt. 15/10/2024 DDO charge in the absence of regular DDO
943 E. F. No.10(4)SSS/2020-Estt. 09/10/2024 Draft Seniority list of Skilled Support Staff
942 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 23/09/2024 Interim arrangements of Admnistrative and Accounts section
941 F.No.11(1)SC/ST,OBC,Pwd-2020-Estt. 19/09/2024 Nomination of Liaison Officer
940 F.No.4(6)Forwd.Appl./Scientist.2020-Estt. 05/09/2024 Acceptance on the technical resignation tendered by Dr. Anok Uchoi, Scientist
939 E.F. No. 3(2) Asst.Tech./2020-Estt. 22/08/2024 Assessment of Technical Personnel for the year 2019-2024
938 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 22/08/2024 Assigning the charges of DDO - revival order
937 E.F.No.11(37)eHRMS/2022-Estt. 21/08/2024 Nodal Officer - eHRMS at ICAR-CPCRI, Research Centre, Kidu, Karnataka
936 F.No.3(1}CAS/2023-Estt 20/08/2024 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists
935 F.No. 7(28)B/2022-Estt. 19/08/2024 Distribution of work related to Pension and Contingent bills
934 F.No.11(44)(1)/2021-Confl. 13/08/2024 Appointment of Vigilance Officer - ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod
933 No. 4(13)/2008-Estt. 13/08/2024 Promotion order - Shri Aswin Reghunath, UDC to the post of Assistant
932 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt 09/08/2024 Celebration of Independence day 2024
931 Endt.F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt. 09/08/2024 Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign to celebrate India's Independence Day
930 F.No. 7(2)KK/2023-Confl. 06/08/2024 Transfer order of Dr. Bikash Choudhary, Chief Technical Officer
929 F .No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 06/08/2024 Temporary arrangement of DDO charge at RC, Kahikuchi
928 F. No.3(1)CAS/2023-Estt. 02/08/2024 CAS promotion order
927 F. No. 7(28)B/2022-Estt-Part(l) 01/08/2024 Posting of SSS to Director's Cell
926 E.F. No. 3(2) Asst.Tech./2020-Estt. 25/07/2024 Assessment of Technical Personnel for the year 2019-2024
925 F.No.7(2)(KSD)/2024-Confl. 19/07/2024 Transfer order of Shri Vignesh J, Skilled Support Staff
924 F. No. 3(5)MACP/2021-Estt 19/07/2024 Financial up-gradation under MACP
923 F. No. 5(32) VRS/2021-Estt. 11/07/2024 Withdrawal of Voluntary Retirement- Shri Muhammed Haneefa P. K.
922 No.F. 8(2)Trans.ofAdmn.Staff/2020-Estt 03/07/2024 Intra-institutional transfer - Sri Muhammed Haneefa PK, UDC
921 F. No. 5(32)VRS/2021-Estt. 02/07/2024 Corrigendum for office order
920 E.F.No.4(9)Misc./2020-Estt. 01/07/2024 Appointment of driver - Sri Sarath Kumar S, Skilled Support Staff, ICAR CPCRI, Kasaragod
919 F. No. 5(32) VRS/2021-Estt. 28/06/2024 Voluntary retirement - Smt. S. Rukmini., Skilled Support Staff of ICAR-CPCRI, Research Centre, Kidu
918 F.No.6(1328)/95-Estt. 28/06/2024 Reliving order of Shri. Laxmana Naik K, skilled support staff, lCAR-CPCRl, Kasaragod
917 E.F.No.10(5)IJSC/2020-Estt. 27/06/2024 Ist meeting of the XVth IJSC of ICAR-CPCRI - 11.07.2024
916 F.No. 7(28)B/2022-Estt. 25/06/2024 Assigning the duties of DDO
915 E.F.No.8(4)lnter-lnst.Trans.Tech/2020.Estt. 21/06/2024 Transfer order of Dr. Kamal Kumar V, Technical Assistant (Field/Farm)
914 E.F.No.8(4)Trans.req.Techn./2020-Estt. 20/06/2024 Relieving order Technician (T-1)
913 E.F.No.4(9)Misc./2020-Estt. 20/06/2024 Nominate the committee members for conducting practical tests and Interviews for the selection of a driver
912 E.F.No.4(9)Misc./2020-Estt.. 20/06/2024 Nominate the committee members for conducting practical tests and Interviews for the selection of a driver
911 E.F.No.8(1)Distri. Of Work(Tech)/2020-Estt. 12/06/2024 Officer In-charge - AKMU
910 E.F.No.8(4)Trans.req.Techn./2020-Estt. 11/06/2024 Intra-Institutional transfer - Technical personnel
909 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. (Part-1) 11/06/2024 Working arrangements within the Institute
908 E.F.No. 8(1) Distribution of Work(Tech)/2020-Estt 10/06/2024 Working Arrangements for Technical Personnel
907 F.No.6(1494)/2013-Estt. 21/05/2024 Relieving order of Shri. Jayarajan. V.V, Lower Division Clerk
906 E.F.No8(1)Distribution ofwork/(Tech.)/2020-Estt. 16/05/2024 officer In-charge - AKMU
905 E.F.No.4(9)admn.meeting/2024-Estt. 09/05/2024 Annual Administrative Meeting
904 F. No. 5(32) VRS/2021-Estt. 08/05/2024 Voluntary retirement - Shri Muhammed Haneefa P. K., Upper Division Clerk, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod
903 E-F.No.11(37)eHRMS/2022.Estt. 07/05/2024 Workshop-cum-Training Program for ICAR Nodal Officers of eHRMS
902 F.No.7(9)C/98-Estt. 07/05/2024 Prevention of sexual harrassment of women employees at work places-Constitution of ICC
901 E.F.No.4(9)Misc./2020-Estt. 23/04/2024 Working Arrangements in farm - Mr Anoop Kumar P P, Technical Assistant
900 F.No.3(5)/MACPS/2021-Estt. 19/04/2024 Financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme to personnel under CPCRI
899 F. No. 3(1)CAS/2023-Estt. 18/04/2024 Promotion of Dr. V. Selvamani
898 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 16/04/2024 Assigning the charges of DDO - Sri. RN Subramanian, Senior Administrative Officer
897 E.F.No.11(37)eHRMS/2022-Estt. 15/04/2024 Nodal Officer -eHRMS at ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam.
896 F.No. 2(16)Deputation/Absorption/2021-Estt.-Part(1) 11/04/2024 Permanent absorption on deputation – termination of lien
895 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 11/04/2024 Temporary transfer of Mr. Arun NK Raj, LDC
894 E. F .No. 7(28)B/2022-Estt. Part-I 09/04/2024 Distribution of work - posting of Smt. Arathy AR, Steno Gr.III in PC (Palms) Cell
893 F.No.6(1313)/1995-Estt. 28/03/2024 Relieving order of Smt. Sulochana Nair (Private Secretary)
892 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 13/03/2024 Assigning the duties of AAO i/c - CPCRI RS, Kayamkulam
891 E.No.7(9)C/98-Estt. 06/03/2024 Prevention of sexual harassment of women employees at work places-Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee
890 E.F.No.8(1)Distribution of Work(Tech)/2020-Est 05/03/2024 Office Order-Sanction of Regular leave in r/o Drivers
889 F.No.14(1)INC/2020-Estt. 16/02/2024 Meeting of the Institute Management Committee
888 F.No.14(1)IMC/2020-Estt. 16/02/2024 Reconstitution of Institute Management Committee
887 F.No.6(PF)V. Krishnankutty/1994-Estt. 31/01/2024 Reliving Order and No Due Certificate of Shri. Krishnankutty V
886 No. 11(37) eHRMS/2022-Estt. 31/01/2024 Activation NIC email ID - eHRMS 2.0
885 F.No.6(PF)K.P.Ibrahim/2021-Estt. 31/01/2024 Relieving order of Shri. Ibrahim K. P, Lower Division Clerk
884 F No. 7(3)(Increment)/Scientific-2020-Estt. 24/01/2024 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of January, 2024 (Scientific Staff)
883 F. No.10(05)IJSC/2020-Estt. 19/01/2024 XVth IJSC members of CPCRI - Office Order
882 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt. 17/01/2024 Celebration of Republic Day 2024
881 No.F. 8(2)Trans.ofAdmn.Staff/2020-Estt 17/01/2024 Transfer order of Shri Saji TJ, Assistant
880 E.F. No. 8(1) Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt. 17/01/2024 Working Arrangements - Farm duties
879 E.F. No. 8(7)Distri. Of work (Tech.)/2020-Estt. 17/01/2024 Officer-in-charge (Maintenance)
878 F No. 7(1)(lncrement)/Admin-2020-Estt. 16/01/2024 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of January, 2024 (Administrative Staff)
877 F.No.3(1)CAS/2023-Estt 12/01/2024 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR
876 E.F.No.11(20)OCH/2020-Estt. 02/01/2024 Observance of Armed Forces Flag Day 2020 on 07.12.2023
875 F.No.11(21)/AIPR(Part-1)/2022-Estt. 21/12/2023 Furnishing particulars of Movable/Immovable property - 2024
874 E.F. No: 11(29)/COVC/2021-Estt 19/12/2023 Institute Corpus Fund Committee
873 F.No.11(15)/SB/2020-Estt. 15/12/2023 Swacchta Pakhwada date wise Action Plan
872 F. No. 3(5)MACP/2021-Estt 07/12/2023 Financial up-gradation under MACP
871 F.No .2(5)HS/PC/2020-Estt. 03/12/2023 ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod- Appointment of Head of Division-furnishing report on charge assumption
870 E.F.No. 11(20)OCH/2020-Estt. 30/11/2023 Observance of Communal Harmony Campaign and Fund Raising week from 19th to 25th
869 F.No. 6(PF)Chaithra M/2023-Estt. 24/11/2023 Reliving order of Dr (Ms) Chaithra M. (Scientist)
868 E.F.No.11(6)HOLIDAYS/2020 Estt. 20/11/2023 List of Closed Holiday for the year 2024
867 F.No. 3(2)Asst. Tech./2020-Estt-Part(2) 14/11/2023 Promotion of Shri. K.Panduranga
866 E.F.No.11(20)OCH/2020-Estt. 13/10/2023 Observance of Armed Forces Flag Day 2023 on 07.12.2023
865 F.No.2(7)/Probation /2020-Estt 11/10/2023 Completion of the Probation Period
864 F.No.Hindi/2023-Estt. 27/09/2023 हिंदी पखवाड़ा दिवस
863 F.No.11-1/2023-Pers.ll 27/09/2023 Notice for Opening of Online Transfer Module-2023, for ARS Cadre Scientists
862 E.F. No.11(6)HOLIDAYS/2020-Estt. 26/09/2023 Milad-il-Sherif Holiday on 28.09.2023
861 11(38)IWF/2023-Estt. 21/09/2023 Staff Welfare Fund Scheme Committee
860 F.No.82.1(1)/Instt Award/ T 20/09/2023 ICAR - CPCRI Institute Award 2023
859 F.No. 11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt 13/09/2023 हिन्दी चेतना सामूहिक उत्सव - 2023
858 F.No. 17(1) Voluntary Retirement/2015-Estt. 12/09/2023 Withdrawal of VRS submitted by Shri. K. Jayapraksh, SSS
857 No.F. 8(2)Trans.ofAdmn.Staff/2020-Estt 12/09/2023 Transfer order of Shri Muhammed Haneefa. P. K
856 ई एफ सं. 8 (1) कार्य का वितरण / (प्रशासन) / 2020- स्थापना 11/09/2023 राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति का प्रभार
855 E.F.No. 8(4)Trans.req.Techn./2021 - Estt. 03/09/2023 Transfer order of Shri M. Narayana Naik, Technical Officer, RC, Kidu
854 F. No 11(6)Holiday/2020-Estt. 24/08/2023 Circular - 2nd September 2023( Saturday) working day
853 F.No.2(7)/Probation /2020-Estt 22/08/2023 Completion of the Probation Period
852 F.No. 8(3)Trans.req./Scientist/2020-Estt. 21/08/2023 Extension of tenure of service of Dr. Priya U.K. Scientist at ICAR-CPCRI RS Kayamkulam
851 F. No. 6(PF)/Chaithra M/2023-Estt. 18/08/2023 Relieving order of Dr. (Ms.) Chaithra M, Scientist
850 E.F. No. 8(1) Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt-Part(1) 17/08/2023 Officer-in-charge (Vehicles)
849 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 11/08/2023 Chief Administrative Officer In-charge
848 F.No.10(2)/2023-Estt.(VoI.IX) 11/08/2023 Provisional seniority lists of Assistants
847 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Est 10/08/2023 Independence day Celebration - 2023
846 E.F. No. 11(29)/COVC/2021-Estt 10/08/2023 Office Order - Constitution of various Committees
845 F. No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt. 03/08/2023 Assessment of Technical Personnel for the year 2023-2024.
844 No.F.4(218)A/2014-Estt 02/08/2023 Proceedings of the Annual Administrative of the Institute held on 14.07.2023 at CPCRI, Kasaragod.
843 F.No.6(1277)/93-Estt. 31/07/2023 Reliving Order and No Due Certificate of Smt. Sugatha Padmanabhan
842 F.No.6(1200)/2005-Estt. 31/07/2023 Reliving Order and No Due Certificate of Dr. A.C. Mathew
841 F.No.3(5)/MACPS/2021-Estt. 25/07/2023 Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to personnel under CPCRI
840 E.F.No.8(I)Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt. 24/07/2023 Scientist in-charge (Farm)
839 F. No. 88/Cir/2020/T 21/07/2023 Scientist-in-charge PME Cell
838 F.No.6(PF)/MKR/2017-Estt. 18/07/2023 Relieving order of Dr. M.K. Rajesh, Principal Scientist
837 F.No.7(3)(Increment)/Scientific/2020-Estt. 17/07/2023 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of July, 2023
836 F.No.24(5)/2021-Per.III 14/07/2023 Head of Crop Protection Division
835 F.No.24(8)/2021-Per.III 14/07/2023 Head of Crop Improvement Division
834 F.No.24(4)/2021-Per.III 14/07/2023 Head of Plant Physiology, Bio-chemistry & Post Harvest Technology Division
833 F.No.24(1)/2021-Per.III 14/07/2023 Head of- Regional Station Vittal
832 F.No.24(6)/2021-Per.III 13/07/2023 Head of Crop Production Division
831 F. No.12(1)MEGASEED(RFS)/2021-Estt 12/07/2023 Revised fellowship - RFS scheme “Seed Production in Agrl. Crops and Fisheries” at CPCRI Headquarters
830 F.No.6(PF)/KRN/93-Estt. 28/06/2023 Relieving order of Shri. Nithianandan K.R, AAO
829 E.F. No. 11(6)HOLIDAYS/2020-Estt. 27/06/2023 Welfare/A&E/CGEWCC/Holidays/2023 dated 27.06.2023
828 F.No. 11(26)IYG/2021-Estt . 20/06/2023 Celebration of international yoga day - 2023
827 F. No.5(32) VRS/2021-Estt. 19/06/2023 Voluntary retirement - Shri C Abdul Azeez, TO, ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Vittal
826 E.F. No. 8(8) Distribution of Works (Scientist)/2020-Estt. 12/06/2023 Nodal Officer for TSP and SCSP
825 E.F. No. 8(1) DistributionofWork/ (Tech)/2020-Estt. 31/05/2023 Officer in-Charge (Vehicles) and Guest House of ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Vittal
824 E.F. No. 8(1) DistributionofWork/(Tech)/2020-Estt. 31/05/2023 Office Order of DDO of KVK
823 E.F. No. 8(1) DistributionofWork/(Tech)/2020-Estt. 31/05/2023 Section Transfer of Technical Personnel
822 E.F.No.8(4)Trans.req.Techn./2021-Estt. 31/05/2023 Intra- Institutional transfer - Mr. Ajith Kumar K and Mr. Santhosh Kumar P
821 F.No.6(PF)/Raghavan/02-Estt. 31/05/2023 Reliving Order and No Due Certificate of Shri. Raghavan. K
820 F.No.6(PF)/ARNAIK/2022-Estt. 31/05/2023 Reliving Order and No Due Certificate of Padmanabha Naik. A R
819 F.No.3(1)CAS/2020-Estt. 16/05/2023 Promotion of Dr. Jayasekhar. S
818 E.F.NO. 11(29)/COVC/2021-Estt. 11/05/2023 Office Order of Guest House Maintenance Committee and Canteen Management Committee
817 F.No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt- 09/05/2023 Promotion of Smt. Sugatha Padmanabhan
816 F.No.6(PF)/BS/2016-Estt. 04/05/2023 Relieving order of Smt. Bandela Sravanthi, Scientist
815 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 03/05/2023 Alternate Arrangements in Administrative
814 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 03/05/2023 Change of Section Names
813 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 03/05/2023 Transfer order of Shri M Ravindran, Asst. Administrative Officer
812 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 03/05/2023 Section transfer of Administrative Staff/Skilled Support Staff
811 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt 03/05/2023 GeM procurement - Nodal Officer
810 F.No.6(PF)/Sebastian.KJ/10-Estt. 28/04/2023 Reliving Order and No Due Certificate of Shri. Sebastian. K J
809 F. No. 8(9)Trans.req. Scientist/2020-Estt. 11/04/2023 Extension of tenure of service of Dr. Priya U.K. Scientist at ICAR-CPCRI RS Kayamkulam
808 F. No .2(5)HD/HS/PC/2020-Estt. 28/03/2023 Assigning charge of Acting Head of Division(PB&PHT) and Crop Improvement
807 E.F. No. 8(4)Trans.req.Techn./2021-Estt. 24/03/2023 Intra- Institutional transfer - Shri K. Sukumaran, Technician(T-1)
806 E.F.No. 3(2) Asst.Tech./2020-Estt-Part (2) 21/03/2023 Addendum for the Promotion Order
805 F.No.3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt-Part(2) 15/03/2023 Promotion of Technical Personnel
804 F.No.3(1)CAS/2020-Estt 13/03/2023 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR-Consideration of proposals due upto and as on 31.12.2022.
803 E.F.No.8(7)Distri.Of work(Admn.)/2020-Estt 07/03/2023 Office Order- Charge of AAO, RS, Kayamkulam
802 F.No.6(PF)/Girijachandran/2000-Estt. 28/02/2023 No Due Certificate and Reliving Order of Smt. Girija Chandran, Private Secretary
801 F.No.6(PF)/DIVAKARAN.A/2008-Estt. 28/02/2023 No Due Certificate and Reliving Order of Shri. Divakaran. A, Technical Assistant
800 E.F. No. 8(7)Distri. Of work ( Admn.)/2020-Estt.-Part (1) 28/02/2023 Officer in- charge (Electrical)
799 F.No. 6(PF)/Jessymol Antony/2021-Estt. 17/02/2023 Relieving order of Smt. Jessymol Antony, Finance and Accounts Officer
798 F.No.7(28)B/2022-Estt. 17/02/2023 Finance and Accounts Officer Incharge
797 E.F.No.11(29)/COVC/2021-Estt. 09/02/2023 Constitute Committees - 38th Annual Workshop of AICRP on PHET at ICAR -CPCRI Kasaragod from 20th -22nd February 2023.
796 E.F.No.8(7)Distri.Of work(Admn.)/2020-Estt-Part(1) 02/02/2023 Nomination of Officer In-Charge ( Electrical )
795 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt. 23/01/2023 Celebration of Republic Day 2023
794 F No. 7(2)(lncrement)/Technical-2020-Estt. 20/01/2023 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of January, 2023 (Administrative Staff)
793 F No. 7(3)(Increment)/Scientific-2020-Estt. 20/01/2023 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of January, 2023 (Scientific Staff)
792 F No. 7(2)(Increment)/Technical-2020-Estt. 20/01/2023 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of January, 2023 (Technical Staff)
791 F No. 7(1)(lncrement)/SSS-2020-Estt 20/01/2023 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of January-2023 (Skilled Support Staff)
790 E.F.No. 8(7)Distri.of work (Admn.)/2020-Estt.-Part (1) 17/01/2023 Working arrangements
789 ई एफ सं. 8 (1) कार्य का वितरण / (प्रशासन) / 2020- स्थापना 16/01/2023 राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति का प्रभार
788 F.No.3(5)MACP/2021-Estt 09/01/2023 Financial up-gradation
787 F.No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt.- Part(2) 20/12/2022 Promotion of Shri. Ajith Kumar K
786 F. No.3(1)CAS/2020-Estt. 19/12/2022 Promotion order of Scientists
785 F. No.3(5)/MACPS/2021-Estt. 09/12/2022 Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to personnel under CPCRI
784 E.F.No.11(15)/SB/2020 09/12/2022 Swachhta Pakhwada at ICAR-CPCRI ,Kasaragod
783 E. F. No. 8(4)Trans.req.Techn/2020-Estt 09/12/2022 Transfer order of Shri Anoop Kumar P.P, Technical Assistant
782 F. No. 11(21)/AIPR/2020-Estt . 07/12/2022 Annual Return regarding Movable / Immovable property for the year 2022
781 F.No.2(5)HDIHS/PC/2020-Estt. 30/11/2022 Acting Charge of the post of Director
780 F.No. 11(29)/COVC/2021-Estt 30/11/2022 Department Canteen Management Committee
779 F.No.8(3)Trans.req.Scientist/2020-Estt 16/11/2022 Transfer order of Shri Bhavishya, Scientist
778 E.F.No. 8(1)Distribution of Works/(Scientist)/2020-Estt 07/11/2022 Charge of Acting Director
777 F.No.8(7)Distri.ofwork(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 01/11/2022 Working arrangements
776 F. No. 8(7)Distri.ofwork(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 01/11/2022 Transfer order of Shri M Ravindran, Asst. Administrative Officer
775 F.No.6(1307)/94- Estt. 31/10/2022 Relieving order of Smt. M. Reetha, Assistant Administrative Officer
774 E. F. No. 8(1)DistributionofWork/ (Tech)/2020-Estt 31/10/2022 Works Committee
773 F. No. 3 (3)Promotion(SSS)/2020-Estt. 18/10/2022 Promotion of Shri. Kartick Chandra Biswas
772 F. No. 3 (3)Promotion(SSS)/2020-Estt. 18/10/2022 Promotion of Shri. Mohana
771 F. No. 3 (3)Promotion(SSS)/2020-Estt. 18/10/2022 Promotion of Shri. Dharmapala
770 F. No. 3 (3)Promotion(SSS)/2020-Estt. 18/10/2022 Promotion of Shri V.Jathappa Gowda
769 F. No. 3 (3)Promotion(SSS)/2020-Estt. 18/10/2022 Promotion of Shri Shri S. Chennappa
768 F.No.8(7)Distri.ofwork(Admn./2020-Estt. 13/10/2022 Working arrangements
767 12/10/2022 Working arrangements
766 F. No.3(5)MACP/2021-Estt 30/09/2022 Financial up-gradation under MACP
765 F. No. 11(29)/COVC/2021-Estt. 29/09/2022 Institute Media Management Committee
764 F.No. 10(5)IJSC/2020-Estt. 27/09/2022 Nomination of Presiding Officer for XV IJSC Election
763 F.No. 4(19)Impl.5WW/22-Estt. 26/09/2022 Implementation of 5 days working week
762 F.No. 8(7)Distri.ofwork(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 07/09/2022 Guest House in-charge and Canteen-in-charge
761 F.No. 8(7)Distri.ofwork(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 07/09/2022 Working arrangement for PPS under AICRP (Palms) and PME
760 F.No. 10(4)SSS/2020-Estt 06/09/2022 Seniority list of Skilled Support Staff
759 E.F.No.8(8) Distribution of Works (Scientist)/2020-Estt. 27/08/2022 Office Order- Authorizing Acting Head, CPCRI RS, Vittal
758 E.F.No.6(1564)2019-Estt. 22/08/2022 Relieving Order of Shri.Satya Brata Moharana on deputation to the post of UDC
757 F.No 8(1)Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt 22/08/2022 Working arrangement for Library
756 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt. 06/08/2022 Independence day Celebration - 2022
755 E. F. No. 11(6)HOLIDAYS/2020-Estt. 05/08/2022 Change of Holiday (Muharram) 2022
754 F.No.2 (3)Appt.Tech.Asst./2020-Estt. 30/07/2022 Filling up the post of Technical Assistant by Inter Institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR- CPCRI
753 F.No. 6(1136)/1996-Estt. 30/07/2022 Relieving order of Smt. Shobha K Chief Technical Officer (Library)
752 F.No. 6(1455)/2017-Estt. 30/07/2022 Relieving order of Shri.Vidhyadharan T.N Assistant
751 F.No.3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt 29/07/2022 Promotion of Technical Personnel
750 F. No. 7(28)B/2022-Estt 22/07/2022 Working arrangement - CPCRI, Kasaragod (Hqrs) and (RS)-Kayamkulam
749 F.No.7(1)(Increment)/Admin/2020-Estt. 19/07/2022 Periodical Increment Certificate for the month of July, 2022 (Administrative Staff)
748 F.No.5(1)SSS/2009-Estt 19/07/2022 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of July, 2022 (Skilled Support Staff)
747 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt 19/07/2022 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of July, 2022 (Scientific Staff)
746 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt 19/07/2022 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of July, 2022 (Technical Staff)
745 F.No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020 - Estt.- Part(2) 12/07/2022 Promotion of Technical Personnel
744 F.No.8(1)DistributionofWork/(Tech)/2020-Estt 04/07/2022 Duties of driving Institute vehicles
743 F.No.6(1445)2008-Estt 30/06/2022 Relieving order of Shri. A.O. Vargheese, Technical Assistant
742 E. F.No. 2(15)Relieve/Join/2021-Estt. 20/06/2022 Relieving order of Shri Ratan Singh, Lower Division Clerk
741 E. F.No. 2(15)Relieve/Join/2021-Estt. 20/06/2022 Relieving order of Shri Dinesh, Lower Division Clerk
740 F.No 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt.-Part(2) 16/06/2022 Corrigendum for merit promotion (Technical Personnel)
739 F. No. 11(26)IYG/2021-Estt. 15/06/2022 Celebration of international yoga day - 2022
738 E.F.No. 8(8)DistributionofWorks(Scientist)/2020-Estt. 15/06/2022 Nomination of Dr. C Thamban, Principal Scientist to look after the daily activities of KVK, Kasaragod
737 F.No. 8(7)Distri.ofwork(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 13/06/2022 Section transfer of Smt. Arathi AR, Stenographer
736 E.F.No. (PF)/Jenny.C M/2021-Estt 10/06/2022 Relieving order of Smt. C M Jenny, Administrative Officer
735 F.No. 6(PF)/K.Ajithkumar/2018-Estt 04/06/2022 Relieving order of Shri K Ajith Kumar, Technical Officer
734 F.No.8(4)Trans.req.Techn./2021-Estt. 01/06/2022 Transfer order of Shri K Ajith Kumar, Technical Officer
733 F.No.6(1248)/93/-Estt 31/05/2022 Relieving order of Smt. M Vimala, Sr. Technician
732 F.No.6(1412)/2019/-Estt 31/05/2022 Relieving order of Shri. M V Sreedharan, Technical Officer
731 F.No.6(1333)/06/-Estt 31/05/2022 Relieving order of Shri. Dr. P Ravindran, Chief Technical Officer
730 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt. 18/05/2022 Circular regarding observe the "Anti-Terrorism Day" on 21st May 2022
729 F.No.3(2)Asst.Tech/2020-Estt 16/05/2022 Merit Promotion of Technical Staff (Field/Farm)
728 F.No.11(6)/HOLIDAYS/2020-Estt. 12/05/2022 Office Order regarding office exigencies during the international COGENT Workshop
727 F.No.8(7)/Distri.of work/H(Admn)-Estt 12/05/2022 Temporary working arrangement in the PME Section upto 20.05.2022
726 F. No. 11(26)IYG/2021-Estt . 10/05/2022 Preparation for the celebration of 8th International Day of Yoga on 21st June,2O22
725 E.F.No.11(29)/COVC/2021-Estt 10/05/2022 Reconstitute of committees
724 F.No.3(5)/MACP/2021-Estt. 04/05/2022 Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to personnel
723 F.NO.6(1279)94-Estt 30/04/2022 Relieving order in respect of Smt. U Sarojini, Technician
722 F.NO.6(848)82-Estt 30/04/2022 Relieving order in respect of Shri. M Shankara, SSS
721 E.F.No.3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt. 25/04/2022 Promotion Order of Shri Sebastian George, CTO(Retired)
720 F.NO.6(PF)/JVS/2016-Estt 21/04/2022 Relieving order of Dr. Jilu V Sajan, Scientist
719 F. No.8(9)Trans.req. Scientist/2020-Estt. 17/04/2022 Intra- Institutional transfer - Dr. Jilu V Sajan and Dr. Priya UK
718 F.No.. 2(15)Relieve/Join/2021-Estt 11/04/2022 Relieving order of Shri. Deepak Meena, LDC, ICAR-CPCRI, RC, Kahikuchi
717 E. F. No. 11(6)HOLIDAYS/2020-Estt. 11/04/2022 Declaration of Holiday 14th April 2022 - Birthday of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
716 F.No.. 2(15)Relieve/Join/2021-Estt 11/04/2022 Relieving order of Shri. Umesh Kumar, LDC, ICAR-CPCRI, RC, Kahikuchi
715 F.No.2(2)Com.Appt./2020-Estt. 08/04/2022 Appointment under Compassionate Appointment Scheme
714 F.No.6(1390)/98-Estt. 31/03/2022 Relieving order in respect of Smt. VA Leela, Technician
713 F.No.6(1363)/96-Estt. 31/03/2022 Relieving order in respect of Shri KN Radhakrishnan Nambiar, Technical Officer
712 E.F.No.11(5)/MMS/2020-Estt 28/03/2022 Order regarding not to grant any kind of leave on 28th and 29th March 2022
711 F. No.2(6)Probation(Sci)/2020-Estt. 26/03/2022 Completion of probationary / confirmation of Scientist
710 F.No. 8(7)Distri.of work(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 26/03/2022 Office Order- DDO Charge
709 F.No.8(3)Trans.req.Scientist/2020-Estt. 25/03/2022 Relieving order of Dr. Shivaji Hausrao Thube , Scientist
708 F.No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Part(2) Estt 25/03/2022 Promotion of Shri. Manamohan. M
707 E.F.No.6(1555)/2012-Estt 17/03/2022 Relieving order of Shri.G.S. Hareesh Nair, Chief Administrative Officer
706 F. No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt. 16/03/2022 Assessment of Technical Personnel for the period ending September 2022
705 F.No.3(1)CAS/2020-Estt 15/03/2022 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientist
704 E.F.No. 8(7)DistributionofWorks(Admn.)/2020-Estt 02/03/2022 Working arrangement for PS to Director
703 F.No. 6(1252)/93-Estt 28/02/2022 Relieving order in respect of Smt. Shobhana K, SSS
702 E.F. No11(5)/MMS/2020-Estt 26/02/2022 Office Order for granting leave
701 F.No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Part(2)Estt. 25/02/2022 Promotion of Technical Personnel
700 E.F.No. 8(8)DistributionofWorks(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 25/02/2022 Working arrangement for RTI & APAR Cell and Officer in-charge (Vehicles)
699 F.No, 2(5)HD/HS/PC/2020-Estt. 25/02/2022 Working arrangement , ICAR-CPCRI,(RS), Kayamkulam
698 E.F.No. 8(8)DistributionofWorks(Scientist)/2020-Estt. 23/02/2022 Office Order regarding assumed the charge of Acting Director by Dr. Anitha Karun, Acting Director after availing Ex-India leave
697 E.F. No. 4(164)e-office/2020-Estt. 22/02/2022 Creating duplication receipts in e-office
696 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt 17/02/2022 Resume the Bio-metric attendance
695 E.F.No. 8(8)DistributionofWorks(Scientist)/2020-Estt. 04/02/2022 Charge of Acting Director
694 E. F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt 03/02/2022 Guidelines regarding physical attendance of staff up to 15.02.2022
693 F.No. 6(1435)/2012-Estt 31/01/2022 Relieving order in respect of Shri TJ Ninan, SSS
692 F.No. 6(1422)/2003-Estt 31/01/2022 Relieving order in respect of Shri K Kunhiraman Nair, Private Secretary
691 F.No. 6(1131)/88-Estt 31/01/2022 Relieving order in respect of Shri A Mohana, SSS
690 E.F.No. 8(8)DistributionofWorks(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 31/01/2022 PS to Director working arrangement
689 E. F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 28/01/2022 Closing of ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod (Hqrs)
688 E.F.No. 8(8)DistributionofWorks(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 28/01/2022 Working arrangement for CPCRI, RS, Vittal
687 E. F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 27/01/2022 Observation of COVID 19 appropriate behaviour
686 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt. 26/01/2022 Celebration of Republic Day 2022
685 E.F.No. 8(8)DistributionofWorks(Scientist)/2020-Estt. 25/01/2022 Working arrangement in Crop Improvement Division
684 F.No. 8(7)Distri.of work(Admn.)/2020-Estt (Part-1) 24/01/2022 Substitute arrangements in the absence of regular Head of Office
683 F. No. 3(5)MACP/2021-Estt 20/01/2022 Financial up-gradation under MACP
682 E. F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 19/01/2022 Closing of ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod (Hqrs) for sanitization
681 F No.7(3)(lncrement)/Scientific-2020-Estt 17/01/2022 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of January, 2022 (Scientific Staff)
680 F No.7(2)(lncrement)/Technical-2020-Estt 17/01/2022 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of January, 2022 (Technical Staff)
679 F No.7(2)(lncrement)/Technical-2020-Estt 17/01/2022 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of January, 2022 (Skilled Support Staff)
678 F.No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Part(2) Estt.- 14/01/2022 Promotion of Shri K Devaraj and Shri S Sunil
677 F.No.11(27)NOCFVOI/2021 14/01/2022 Endorsement on Ex-India leave permission in respect of Dr. Anitha Karun, Director (Acting)
676 E. F. No. 11(2)ClosingofRS/RC/Covid/2020-Estt. 13/01/2022 Office Order in respect in RS (Vittal) & RC (Kidu) in view of direction issued by Government of Karnataka
675 E. F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 13/01/2022 Guidelines regarding physical attendance of staff up to 31.01.2022 in view of surge in covid cases
674 F.No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Part(2) Estt. 13/01/2022 Promotion of Technical Personnel
673 E.F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 07/01/2022 Biometric attendance in Aadhar based Biometric Attendance system shall stand suspended with Immediate effect till 31st January 2022
672 F.No.3(2)Asst.Tech/2020-Estt-Part(2) 05/01/2022 Promotion of Shri. G.S. Hareesh
671 F.No8(7)Distri.ofwork(Admn.)/2020-Estt 01/01/2022 Interim arrangements in Administration and Finance & Accounts during the leave/tour period of the regular incharge
670 E.F.No. 8(7)Distri.ofwork(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 31/12/2021 Working arrangement for the smooth functioning of the Office
669 1 7 (1 )/RTl (Ap pt. ofco m m iltee) I 2021'Estt. 27/12/2021 Nomination of Smt. Jenny C.M as member of RTI updation committee
668 F. No. 3(3)Promotion(SSS)20-Estt . 24/12/2021 Promotion of Smt. U Sarojini
667 F. No. 3(3)Promotion(SSS)20-Estt . 24/12/2021 Promotion of Smt. VA Leela
666 F. No. 3(3)Promotion(SSS)20-Estt . 24/12/2021 Promotion of Shri. VT Rameshan
665 F. No. 3(3)Promotion(SSS)20-Estt . 24/12/2021 Promotion of Smt. Chithralekha Kodoth
664 .3(3)Promotion(SSS)20-Estl. 24/12/2021 Promotion order of Shri Vinod. K
663 F. No. 3(3)Promotion(SSS)20-Estt . 24/12/2021 Promotion of Shri. V Chennappa
662 F. No. 3(3)Promotion(SSS)20-Estt . 24/12/2021 Promotion of Shri. B Sundara
661 F. No. 3(3)Promotion(SSS)20-Estt . 24/12/2021 Promotion of Shri K Vinod
660 F. No. 3(3)Promotion(SSS)20-Estt . 24/12/2021 Promotion of Shri. B Chandrahasa
659 11(21)/AIPR/2020-Estt 17/12/2021 Annual Return regarding Movable / Immovable property for the year 2021
658 E.F.No. 8(8)Distribution of Works(Scientist)/2020-Estt. 14/12/2021 Nomination of Dr. C Thamban, Principal Scientist Acting Head (Division of SS) from 13.12.2021 to 06.03.2022
657 E.F.No. 8(8)Distribution of Works(Scientist)/2020-Estt. 13/12/2021 Nominate of Dr. Rajkumar, Scientist as Acting Principal Investigator/Nodal Officer of SCSP and STC
656 09/12/2021 Hindi Teaching Scheme
655 F.No. 11(11)PMO/2020-Estt. 02/12/2021 Joining office order in respect of Dr. Aparna Nassim as Part Time Medical Officer at CPCRI, Kasaragod
654 F.No. 6(PF)/PJA/2019-Estt 30/11/2021 Relieving order of Shri. Premjith Antony
653 F.No.8(7)/Dist.of work (Admn.)/2020-Estt . 27/11/2021 Section transfer of Administrative Staff
652 F.No. 11(9)Celebration/2020-Estt 22/11/2021 Observance of Constitution Days on 26th November 2021
651 फा.सं. 8(4) Trans.req.Techn/2020-स्थापना. 22/11/2021 Intra- Institutional transfer - Shri Pramjith Antony, Technician
650 F.No. 3(1) CAS/2020-Estt. 10/11/2021 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR
649 11(16)COVID/HQ/2020-Estt 05/11/2021 Biometric attendance from 8th November 2021 onwards
648 F. No. 8(8)DistributionofWorks(Scientist)/2020-Estt 01/11/2021 Working arrangement , CPCRI, Research Centre - Kidu
647 30/10/2021 Relieving order in respect of Smt. K Sreelatha, Asst.Chief Technical Officer
646 F. No. 7(40)/Misc/2021 -Estt 26/10/2021 Fake Medical Certificates
645 8(1)DistributionofWork/(Tech)/2020-Estt 26/10/2021 Working arrangement for Vehicle in charge
644 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2021-Estt. 25/10/2021 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or National Unity Day at ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod on 31 st October 2021
643 6(PF)TEJI2012-Estt. 23/10/2021 Relieving order of Shri. T.E.Janardhanan, A.O
642 E. F. No 11(23)/MMPO/2021-Estt 23/10/2021 Punctuality circular to employees :-reg
641 फाइल. न.8 (7) कार्य का वितरण (प्रशासन)/2021-स्थापना 13/10/2021 हिंदी सेल में काम करने की व्यवस्था के संदर्भ में कार्यालय आदेश ।
640 F.No. 1(3) Cadre (Admn.)/2021-Estt. 11/10/2021 Office Order - Administrative staff Cadre Strength
639 फ सं 7 (22)/96-2021 रा. भा बैठक 04/10/2021 Ensuring the usage of Unicode in Computers
638 फ सं 7 (22)/96-2021 रा. भा बैठक 04/10/2021 Making Correspondance in Hindi reg
637 फ सं 7 (22)/96-2021 रा. भा बैठक 04/10/2021 Compliance of Official Language Act 1963
636 F.No 11(33)/BANKAUTHORISATION/2021-Estt . 29/09/2021 Office order for Chief Finance & Accounts Officer I/c :-reg
635 E.F.No.11(11)/PMO-Estt.2020 29/09/2021 Notice for cancellation of PMO Selection process :-reg
634 29/09/2021 Celebration of Gandhi jayanti
633 F.No.3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt.-Part(2). 29/09/2021 Promotion of Technical Personnel
632 F.No.6(1551)/2012-Estt. 28/09/2021 Relieving Order of Shri Ram Avtar Parashar
631 F.No.6(PF)/HPM/2005-Estt. 25/09/2021 Deputation - Dr. H P Maheswarappa, Principal Scientist & Acting Project Cordinator (Palms) ICAR CPCRI Kasaragod
630 F.No. 4(6)Forwd.Appl./Scientist/2020-Estt. 25/09/2021 Supervision / monitoring of activities of PC (Palms) by Dr. Ravi Bhat
629 F.No.82.1 (1)/ Instt. Award/ T 21/09/2021 ICAR - CPCRI Institute Award 2021
628 F.No. 8(7)Distri.of work(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 20/09/2021 Office Order- DDO Charge
627 फ सं 7(19)/87-2020 स्थापना (हिंदी समारोह) 17/09/2021 Hindi Fortnight Celebrations at HQ
626 F.No.11(6)Holidays/2020-Estt 17/09/2021 Office Order - Restoration of Saturdays as working days
625 फ सं 7(19)/87-2021 स्थापना( हिंदी समारोह) 13/09/2021 हिंदी दिवस समारोह - 14 सितंबर 2021
624 F.No.8(7)Distri.of work (Admn.)/2020-Estt. 13/09/2021 Officer order for Cashier duty
623 E. F. No. 11(6)COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 08/09/2021 Closure of ICAR-CPCRI Head Quarters from 09.09.2021 to 10.09.2021
622 F.No. 11(19)/WEBSITE/2020-Estt. 07/09/2021 Endorsement on using the Official logo of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav
621 E.F.No. 11(32)FIT/INDIA/2021-Estt 30/08/2021 Circular for Fit India Freedom Run :-reg
620 25/08/2021 Invitation for "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" Lecture Series :-reg
619 17(1)/RTI(Appt. of Committee)/2021-Estt. 17/08/2021 Constitution of committee for updation of RTI section of institute website
618 E.F.No.8(8)DistributionofWorks(Scientist)/2021-Estt 13/08/2021 Working arrangement for KVK :-reg
617 E. F. No. 11 (16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 11/08/2021 Functioning of CPCRI HQ & KVK :-reg
616 F.No. I 7 ( 1 )/RTI(Appt. of Committee) / 2021 -Estt. 10/08/2021 Nodal Officer for RTI issues - reg.
615 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020 - Estt. 09/08/2021 Independence day Celebration - 2021
614 E.F.No. 11(23)/MMPO/2021-Estt . 03/08/2021 Nomination of Nodal Officer
613 E.F.No. 11(11)PMO/2020-Estt-Part(1) 03/08/2021 Continuation of engagement of PMOs :-reg
612 F.No. 3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt. 30/07/2021 Promotion of Technical Personnel
611 F.No.6(1137)/88-Estt., F.No.6(968)/83-Estt., F.No.6(937)/93-Estt. 30/07/2021 Relieving order in respect of Shri KN Pankajakshan, STA (Vehicle), Smt.KS Vishalakshi, Assistant and Smt.K Baby, SSS
610 F.No. 8(7)Distri.of work(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 30/07/2021 Section transfer of Shri. PM Thomas (Assistant)
609 E.F.No. 11(29)/COVC/2021-Estt . 30/07/2021 Committee Officer Order to restructure the sanction strength of Administration Station/Centre-wise :-reg
608 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt 28/07/2021 Functioning of CPCRI (Headquarters), Kasaragod and KVK, Kasaragod
607 E.F.No. 11(29)/COVC/2021-Estt . 28/07/2021 Office order for committee to explore the possibilities of increasing revenue under the RFP :-reg
606 E. F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 22/07/2021 Closing CPCRI, Kasaragod and KVK, Kasaragod from 22.07.2021 to 28.07.2021 (next TPR review date).
605 F No.7(3)(lncrement)/Scientific-2020-Estt 20/07/2021 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of July, 2021 (Scientific Staff)
604 F No.7(3)(lncrement)/Technical-2020-Estt 20/07/2021 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of July, 2021 (Technical Staff)
603 F No.7(3)(lncrement)/SSS-2020-Estt 20/07/2021 Periodical Increment Certificate for the Month of July, 2021 (Skilled Support Staff)
602 E.F.No.8(7)Distri.ofwork(Admn.)/2020-Estt. 20/07/2021 Interim arrangements in DDO
601 E. F. No. 11(6)HOLIDAYS/2020-Estt. 19/07/2021 Postponement of holiday on account of Bakrid :-reg
600 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt 14/07/2021 Attendance with 50 percent pertaining CPCRI, Kasaragod and KVK, Kasaragod
599 Endt F. No.11(19)/WEBSITE/2020-Estt. 14/07/2021 Endorsement on mandatory use of e.mail ID with "icar.gov.in" for official Communications
598 E.F.No. 11(11)PMO/2020-Estt-Part(1) 09/07/2021 PMO Office Order
597 E. F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 07/07/2021 Extension of Lockdown - Closing CPCRI, Kasaragod and KVK, Kasaragod from 08.07.2021 to 14.07.2021 (next TPR review date).
596 F.No. 8(1)Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt (Part-1). 07/07/2021 Officer-in-charge (Farm Machineries)
595 02/07/2021 ATR Directors' conference-reg.
594 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt 01/07/2021 Closing CPCRI, Kasaragod and KVK, Kasaragod from 02.07.2021 to 07.07.2021 (next TPR review date).
593 F.No.6(PF)/MPR/1992 - Estt 30/06/2021 Relieving order of Shri. Rajendran Nair.MP, Technical Officer (Mech.Engg)
592 F.No. 8(1)Distribution of Work / (Tech)/2020-Estt. 30/06/2021 Working arrangements - Farm Machineries
591 F. No. 11(2)Closing of RS/RC/Covid/2020-Estt 22/06/2021 COVID-19 guidelines regarding staff attendance at RS Vittal and RC Kidu
590 F.No. 11 (26)/IYG/2020-Estt 21/06/2021 Celebration of international yoga day
589 F.No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt 16/06/2021 Covid - 19 - Guidelines issued by LSGI
588 F.No.11(02)/Closing of RS/RC/Covid/2020-Estt. 15/06/2021 COVID-19 Transmission Control - Closing of RS Vittal and RC Kidu
587 F.No.2(7)Probation/2020-Estt. 15/06/2021 Clearance of probation and confirmation of staff
586 F.No. 6(PF)/Sukumaran/99-Estt 14/06/2021 Promotion of Shri. Sukumaran K
585 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 07/06/2021 Extension of Lockdown - Closure of office in Kerala from 10th June - 2021 to 16th June- 2021
584 F.No. 11(44) (1) 2021 - Confl . 02/06/2021 Chief Vigilance Officer post
583 F.No.6(PF)V.Balakrishna/1989-Estt 31/05/2021 No due certificate of Shri. Balakrishna V, Technical Officer
582 F.No.6(PF)/PKUM/1995-Estt 31/05/2021 No due certificate of Shri . Kumaran P, Skilled Support Staff
581 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt 31/05/2021 Pledge Ceremony to observe 'World No Tobacco Day' on 31.05.2021
580 F.No.6(PF)V.Balakrishna/1989-Estt 31/05/2021 Relieving order of Shri. Balakrishna V, Technical Officer
579 F.No.6(PF)/PKUM/1995-Estt 31/05/2021 Relieving order of Shri. Kumaran P, Skilled Support Staff
578 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 30/05/2021 Extension of Lockdown - Closure of office in Kerala from 31st May - 2021 to 9th June- 2021
577 F. No.11(23)/MMPO/2021-Estt 28/05/2021 Endorsement on 'Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 - Clarification'
576 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 22/05/2021 Closure of office in Kerala from 24th May - 2021 to 30th May- 2021
575 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 22/05/2021 COVID-19 Transmission Control - Closing of RS Vittal and RC Kidu
574 F.No. 11 (9) Celebrations/2020-Estt 20/05/2021 Pledge Ceremony to observe Anti -Terrorism Day - Zoom Link
573 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 15/05/2021 Closure of office in Kerala from 17th May - 2021 to 23rd May- 2021
572 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 15/05/2021 COVID-19 Transmission Control - Closing of RC Mohitnagar
571 F.No.11(2)Closing of RS/RC/Covid./2020-Estt. 12/05/2021 COVID-19 Transmission Control - Closing of RS Vittal and RC Kidu
570 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt 07/05/2021 Closure of office in Kerala from 8th to 16th
569 F.No. 547/Admn. 05/05/2021 Joining Report of Mrs Mayalekshmi, Sr.Technical Assistant
568 F.No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 05/05/2021 Closing CPCRI Kasaragod from the Afternoon of 5th May to 7th May 2021
567 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 03/05/2021 Functioning of Office with Essential Staff from 4.5.21 to 7.5.21- Office Order.
566 F.No. 8(1)Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt. 30/04/2021 Officer order of section transfer of Mr.Arunji.G, TA(Lib) to Library
565 F.No. 8(1)Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt. 30/04/2021 Promotion of Sri. M Krishnan
564 F.No.6(1126)/88-Estt. 30/04/2021 Relieving order of Shri. Sebastian George , CTO
563 F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 27/04/2021 Holiday on all Saturdays in view of Covid 19 pandemic - Officer order - reg.
562 F.No, 8(1)Distribution of Work/(Admn.)/2020-Estt . 26/04/2021 Reliving order of Sri. Vidyadharan to CPCRI (RS) Vittal
561 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 22/04/2021 Covid - 19 - Guidelines issued by DoPT
560 F.No.11(16)/Covid/HQ/2020-Estt. 22/04/2021 Temporary closure of Guest House and Farmers' Training Hosel - ICAR-CPCRI Kasaragod - reg.
559 F.No, 8(1)Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt-Part(1) . 19/04/2021 Distribution of Technical Work
558 F.No, 8(1)Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt - Part(1) 19/04/2021 Officer-in-charge (Vehicles)
557 F.No.11(6)HOLIDAYS/2020-Estt. 12/04/2021 14th April, 2021 - Public holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar - reg.
556 F.No. 2(3)Appt, Tech.Asst/2020-Estt 09/04/2021 Office Order of Inter - institutional Transfer
555 F.No.4(21)2020-Estt.(EO) 29/03/2021 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the Post of LDC
554 F.No. 2(9)UDC(CPCRI)/2020-Estt. 21/03/2021 Filling up of vacant post of Upper Division Clerks in the Level 4 of the pay matrix of 7th CPC by transfer on permanent absorption of regular UDC of ICAR - CPCRI, Institutes/Hqrs.
553 F.No. 8(1) Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt-Part (I) 15/03/2021 contractual work bills
552 F.No. 8(1)Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt-Part(l) 15/03/2021 Nomination of Dr. Ravi Bhat Acting, HD (Crop Production), as new Contact Officer for CPCRI (RC), Kahikuchi
551 F.No.2(12)KVK/Rectt/2020-Estt. 10/03/2021 Filling up various Posts of Subject Matter Specialists under KVK,ICAR-CPCRI,Kasaragod by Inter Institutional transfer on Permanent absorption basis
550 08/03/2021 International Women’s Day (08.03.2021) programmes
549 12(1)MEGASeed(RFS)/2020-Estt 23/02/2021 Revised designation, remuneration & qualification of Skilled Assistant w.e.f. 1.12.2020
548 F.No. 2(4)Appt.Techn(T-1)/2020-Estt. 19/02/2021 Office Order - Job training
547 F.No. 31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IV 18/02/2021 Travel entitlements of Government employees for the purpose of LTC
546 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 03/02/2021 RA test on 4th Feb in PJ Hall
545 F. No. 2(22)MACPs)/2020-Estt. 01/02/2021 Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to personnel under CPCRI
544 F.No.4(164)e-office/2020-Estt. 29/01/2021 Office Order- Circulars e-Office
543 F.No. 3(1) CAS/2020-Estt. 22/01/2021 Promotion order of Scientists
542 F.No.7(1)(Increment)/Admn/2020-Estt. 19/01/2021 Periodical Increment Certificate for the month of January, 2021 (Administrative Staff)
541 F.No.7(1)(Increment)/Admn/2020-Estt. 19/01/2021 Periodical Increment Certificate for the month of January, 2021 (Scientific Staff)
540 F.No.7(1)(Increment)/Admn/2020-Estt. 19/01/2021 Periodical Increment Certificate for the month of January, 2021 (Technical Staff)
539 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt. 18/01/2021 Celebration of Republic Day 2021
538 F.No.4(123)/2018-Estt. 08/01/2021 Appointment on Compassionate ground
537 F.No.10(3)DPC/2020-Estt. 01/01/2021 Promotion of Smt. Rejitha . K.R.
536 F.No.10(3)DPC/2020-Estt. 01/01/2021 Promotion of Sri.V. Lakshminarayana
535 F.No.10(3)DPC/2020-Estt. 01/01/2021 Promotion of Sri. Promodkumar. P.K.
534 F.No.3(1)CAS/2020-Estt. 30/12/2020 Promotion of Sri. Dr. Alpana Das
533 F.No.11(21)AIPR/2020-Estt. 29/12/2020 Furnishing particulars of Movable/Immovable property
532 F.No. 11(6)HOLIDAYS/2020-Estt 29/12/2020 List of Closed Holiday for the year 2021
531 F.No. 12(1)MEGASeed(RFS)/2020-Estt. 28/12/2020 Office order regarding revision as regards designation, remuneration and education qualification under RFS.
530 F.No. 8(1) Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020 - Estt. 19/12/2020 Nomination of shri K. Manikandan, Senior Technical Officer as Drawing and disbursing officer of ICAR-KVK, Kasaragod
529 F.No. 8(1) Distribution of Work / (Tech)/2020-Estt. 07/12/2020 Nomination of shri V. Balakrishna, Technical Officer as Drawing and disbursing officer of ICAR-KVK, Kasaragod
528 F.No. 8(4)Trans.req.Techn/2020-Estt. 07/12/2020 Transfer order of Shri Prakash Barman, Sr.Technician
527 F.No.8(1) Distribution of Work (SSS)/2020-Estt 05/12/2020 Operational control of Shri. Jayaprakash. K, Bearer - Scientist in-charge (Farm)
526 F.No.2(3)Appt.Tech.Asst./2020-Estt. 30/11/2020 Circular for filling up various Technical posts by Inter Institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis
525 F.No. 8(8)Distribution of Works/Scientist)/2020-Estt. 28/11/2020 Co-Nodal Officer of HRD
524 F.No.6(1419)/2002-Estt. 27/11/2020 No dues of Shri A. Sanjeeva, Technical Assistant
523 F.No.11(9)/Celebration/2020-Estt. 25/11/2020 Observance of Constitution Day on 26th November, 2020 :-reg
522 F.No, 8(1)Distribution of Work/(Admn.)/2020-Estt . 20/11/2020 Deputation of Sri. Vidyadharan to CPCRI (RS) Vittal
521 F.No.11(06)Holidays/2020-Estt . 16/11/2020 HOD Meeting
520 F.No.11(19)/WEBSITE/2020-Estt . 12/11/2020 Circular on the subject regarding change of URL of the Institute website
519 F.No.7(04)/SSS/2020-Estt 11/11/2020 Finalized Seniority list of SSS of this Institute :-reg
518 F.No.11(4)/SC/.2020-E 02/11/2020 Circular for service verification
517 F.No.6(1314)/95-Estt 30/10/2020 Retirement of Shri. K. Devadas (Asst. Chief Technical Officer)
516 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt . 30/10/2020 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
514 F.No.4(5)2007-Estt.(Vol.XVI) 21/10/2020 Transfer-Guidelines
513 F.No.8(1)DistributionofWork/(Tech)/2020-Estt. 21/10/2020 Office Order of DDO of KVK
512 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 21/10/2020 Re-open ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod
511 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Est 19/10/2020 Office Order
510 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Est 15/10/2020 Closure of CPCRI Kasaragod from 16th October 2020 until further orders
509 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 12/10/2020 CPCRI, Kasaragod to remain closed until containment zone in lifted
508 F.No.11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 12/10/2020 CPCRI, Kasaragod to remain closed until containment zone
507 F.No: 3(2)Asst.Tech/2020-Estt. 07/10/2020 Assessment of Technical Personnel for the year 2019-20
506 F.No.3(2)Asst.Tech./2020-Estt. 07/10/2020 Officer order for promotion in Shri.B.Anil Kumar, STO
505 F.No.82.1 (1)/ Instt. Award/ T 06/10/2020 ICAR- CPCRI INSTITUTE AWARD 2020
504 F.No.6(PF)JG/1990.-Estt. 01/10/2020 Relieving order of Shri.John George, CTO
503 F.No. 7(41)19-SB-Estt Vol II 30/09/2020 Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
502 F.No.11(15)SB/2020-Estt. 25/09/2020 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA)
501 F.No.8(1)Distribution of Work/(Tech)/2020-Estt. 23/09/2020 Officer order of section transfer of Mr.Arunji.G, TA(Lib)
500 18/09/2020 Hindi memory test
499 F.No.11(7)ROL/LP/COVID-Estt 14/09/2020 Circular for regularizing the period of absence of employees during lock down and periods subsequent to lock down
498 F.No.8(7)Distri.of work (Admn.)/2020-Estt. 10/09/2020 Office order
497 F.No.3(2)Asst.Tech/2020-Estt. 09/09/2020 Promotion of Technical Personnel
496 F.No.2(3)Appt.Tech.Asst./2020-Estt. 08/09/2020 Corrigendum for vacancy circular
495 F.No.11(2)Closing of RS/RC/Covid./2020-Estt 07/09/2020 Closing of RC, Mohitnagar during the Month of September in view Govt.of Assam Order
494 F.No.8(7)/Dist.of work (Admn.)/2020-Estt . 26/08/2020 Section transfer of Administrative Staff
493 1(7)(GCC)/2007-Esst. 26/08/2020 Grievance Committee reconstituted - Office Order
492 F.No.11(2)/Closing of RS/RC/Covid/2020-Estt . 20/08/2020 Office Order- Work from home on all Saturdays at CPCRI, Kahikuchi
491 F.No.8(1)/Distribution of work (SSS)/2020-Estt . 14/08/2020 Section transfer of SSS
490 F.No.11(9)Celebrations/2020-Estt . 13/08/2020 Independence day Celebration-2020
489 F.No.06(PF)AS/2018-Estt. 10/08/2020 Relieving order of Dr Ajeet Singh
488 F.No.7(28)/2017-Estt.Vol.XII 07/08/2020 Transfer of Smt. A.J. Mary
487 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt.Vol.XI. 06/08/2020 Office Order for section transfer of Administrative staff
486 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt. 06/08/2020 Promotion of Smt. Jayashree
485 F.No.11(2)Closing of RS/RC/Covid./2020-Estt. 05/08/2020 Closing of RC Mohitnagar during the month of August 2020
484 F.No.SJ(RO)CPCRI\GE\2020. 03/08/2020 Result of Grievance Committee Election (2020-2022)
483 F.No.4(13)/2008-Estt.I 30/07/2020 Promotion of Smt. K. Preethi
482 F.No.4(13)/2008-Estt.I 30/07/2020 Promotion of Shri. Paulson Sam George
481 F.No.SJ(RO)CPCRI\GE\2020. 28/07/2020 Institute Grievance Committee Election
480 F.No.7(1)(Increment)/Admn/2020-Estt. 27/07/2020 Periodical Increment Certificate for the month of July, 2020 (Administrative Staff)
479 F.No.7(2)Technical/2020-Estt. 23/07/2020 Seeking information in connection with Annual Increment
478 F.No.11(6)Holidays/2020-Estt. 22/07/2020 Office Order - Work from home on all Saturdays
477 F.No.7(40)/Misc/2015-Estt. 10/07/2020 RS Kayamkulam to remain closed until containment zone in lifted by DA
476 F.No.11(2)Closing of RS/RC/Covid/2020-Estt. 10/07/2020 CPCRI, RS, Vittal & CPCRI, RC, Kidu shall remain closed with effect from 16th July 2020 to 22nd July 2020 due to COVID 19 Lockdown
475 F.No.7(28)2017-Estt.Vol XI 08/07/2020 Section transfer of Shri. Purushothaman, P.K
474 F.No.7(28)2017-Estt 06/07/2020 Section transfer of Cashier
473 F.No.7(40)/Misc.2015-Estt. 03/07/2020 Closing of CPCRI,RS, Kayamkulam
472 F.No.7(40)Misc/2015-Estt 03/07/2020 Relieving order of Smt. Jesmi Vijayan
471 F.No.7(40)Misc/Estt/2020-Estt 03/07/2020 Details of employees who have not attended the office
470 F.No.7(28)2017-Estt.Vol XI 03/07/2020 Transfer of staff
469 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt. 29/06/2020 Transfer of Smt. A.J. Mary
468 F.No.7(40)/Misc/2015-Estt. 27/06/2020 Closing of CPCRI Kahikuchi on account of Covid-19 Pandemic
467 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt.Vol.XII 23/06/2020 Working arrangements
466 F.No.7(28)/2017-Estt.Vol.XII 23/06/2020 Working arrangements
465 F.No.7(28)/2017-Estt.Vol.XII 23/06/2020 Working arrangements
464 F.No.7(28)/2017-Estt.Vol.XII 23/06/2020 Working arrangements
463 F.No.4(41)IDY/2016-Estt 20/06/2020 International Yoga Day 2020
462 F.No.4(164)e-office/2018-Estt.Vol I 19/06/2020 Nomination of Master Trainers
461 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt.Vol XII 17/06/2020 Interim arrangement for Guest House in-charge
460 F.No.6(1515)/2014-Estt 16/06/2020 Relieving order of Dr. Krishna Prakash
459 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt 12/06/2020 Interim working arrangement
458 03/06/2020 Proceedings the meeting held on 03.06.2020
457 F.No.6(1061)/86.-Estt 30/05/2020 Retirement of Shri.V Suresh Kumar (Technical Officer)
456 F.No.6(1505)/ 2018 -Estt 30/05/2020 Retirement of Shri.N.B. Maheshan (Skilled Supporting Staff)
455 F.No.6(1085)/87 -Estt 30/05/2020 Retirement of Shri.K. Keshava (Skilled Supporting Staff)
454 F.No.7(28)/2017 -EsttVol.XII 30/05/2020 Temporarily Nomination of Canteen Manager
453 F.No.7(40)/MISC./2015-Estt 21/05/2020 Office order to regulate the attendance of all officers and the staff of CPCRI
452 F.No.7(28)/B/2014-Estt 12/05/2020 Nomination of Hon.Secretary and Manager of CPCRI Departmental Canteen
451 F.No.7(28)/B/2014-Estt 06/05/2020 Nomination of Nodal Officer of HRD
450 F.No.7(40)/Misc-Estt/2015 02/05/2020 Full-fledged functioning of CPCRI (HQ) and Regional Stations/Research Centres
449 F.No.7(40)/Misc-Estt/2015 01/05/2020 Use of Aarogyasetu App for breaking the chain of transmission of COVID - 19
448 F.No.7(40)/Misc-Estt/2015 30/04/2020 Utilization of Thermal Sensor in institute main gate and Hill Block campus as a COVID 19 containment measure
447 F.No.7(40)/Misc-Estt/2015 23/04/2020 Closure of institute for 21 days in connection with nation-wide lock down
446 F.No.7(40)/Misc-Estt/2015 23/04/2020 Functioning of CPCRI (Headquarters), Kasaragod and KVK, Kasaragod
445 F.No.7(40)/Misc-Estt/2015 23/04/2020 Duty Roster of Staff / Contractual workers of PB and PHT Division
444 F.No.7(40)/Misc-Estt/2015 17/04/2020 Guidelines for containment of COVID 19 in CPCRI
443 08/04/2020 Declaration of Holiday 14th April 2020 - Birthday of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
442 07/04/2020 Notification regarding General Provident Fund and other similar funds
441 F.No.7(40)/Misc-Estt/2015 03/04/2020 Ambedkar Jayanti - All Officers & Staff of CPCRI are required to read Preamble of Constitution of India & Fundamantal Duties
440 F.No.7(40)/Misc-Estt 21/03/2020 Office order regarding closure of Headquarters for a week
439 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt.(Vol.XXVII) 12/03/2020 Promotion of Shri. Chandu Naik
438 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt.(Vol.XXVII) 12/03/2020 Promotion of Shri. M. Durgesha
437 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt.(Vol.XXVII) 12/03/2020 Promotion of Shri. B Choma
436 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt.(XXVII) 12/03/2020 Intra- Institutional transfer
435 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt.(Vol.XXVII) 12/03/2020 Promotion of Shri. C.R. Babu
434 F.No.3(8)Cadre/2018-Estt.IV 03/03/2020 Institute-wise breakup of sanctioned strength of the post of SSS in ICAR
433 F.No.2(22)/MACPS/12-Estt.(Vol.IV) 03/03/2020 Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to personnel under CPCRI
432 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt.Vol.V 22/02/2020 Rural India Business Conclave- 01st Sunday March 2020 Working day
431 F.No.4(10)/3KVK(SMS-Hort)2010-Estt.Vol.ll 14/02/2020 Cash book duties of KVK
430 F.No.4(158)/2019-Estt. 24/01/2020 Merit Promotion of Technical Personnel
429 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt.Vol-V. 23/01/2020 Republic Day Celebration
428 23/01/2020 Cultural Committee / Women Welfare Committee
427 F.No.17(01)Voluntary Retirement /2015-Estt. 21/01/2020 Withdrawal of Voluntary Retirement-Shri. Maheshan N.B
426 F.No.4(158)/2019-Estt. 18/01/2020 Merit Promotion of Technical Personnel
425 F.No.5(15)/2019-Estt.Vol.III 16/01/2020 Quarters Allotment Committee Shri.P.Ravindran inducted
424 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt. 14/01/2020 PERIODICAL INCREMENT CERTIFICATE FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2019 ( Scientific Staff)
423 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt. 14/01/2020 PERIODICAL INCREMENT CERTIFICATE FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2019 ( Technical Staff)
421 F.No.4(27)PS/09-Estt. 08/01/2020 Interim arrangements during the leave tour period of regular P.S. Director
420 F.No.17(01)Voluntary Retirement /2015-Estt. 04/01/2020 Withdrawal of Voluntary Retirement- Smt K.Saseendra
419 F.No.4(21)/2019-Estt.Vol.XXX 04/01/2020 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the Post of LDC
418 F.No.4(157)/2016-Estt.Vol.X 04/01/2020 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the Post of Assistants
417 F.No.7(34)AIPR/2015-Estt. 04/01/2020 Furnishing particulars of Movable/Immovable property
416 F.No.6(1321)/95-Estt. 31/12/2019 Superannuation of Shri. N. Ramakrishnan
415 F.No.20(26)/VII-CPC/16-Estt 23/12/2019 Date of next increment under rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay Rules - 2016) Clarifications
414 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt. Vol-V 23/12/2019 Foundation day Celebration
413 F.No.4(10)/3/KVK (SMS-Hort)2010-Estt.Vol.II 18/12/2019 Nomination of Dr.(Mrs.)Saritha Hegdeas Drawing & Disbursing Officer of ICAR-KVK Kasaragod
412 F.No.4(10)3/KVK (SMS-Hort)2010-Estt.Vol.II 18/12/2019 Interim arrangements
411 F.No.59(1)/73-Estt. 12/12/2019 Closed Holidays/Restricted Holidays-2020
410 F.No.17(1)Voluntary Retirement/2015-Estt. 10/12/2019 Retirement of Shri. Maheshan N.B
409 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt.Vol-V 07/12/2019 Foundation day Celebration
408 F.No.6(1543)/2016-Estt. 07/12/2019 Relieving order of Shri.Bhukya Narshima Swamy
407 F.No.5(2)/2019-Estt.(Vol.IV) 07/12/2019 Completion of the Probation Period
406 F.No.7(28)/3/2018-Estt 02/12/2019 Officer-in-charge (Vehicles)
405 F.No.7(28)/2017-Estt.Vol XII. 30/11/2019 Officer-in-charge (Electrical Maintenance)
404 F.No.4(21)/2019-Estt-XXX. 30/11/2019 Seniority list of Skilled Support Staff possessing Educational Qualification +2 or equivalent and above as on 01.11.2019
403 F.No.7(45)/Celebrations/2015-Estt. 28/10/2019 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or National Unity Day
402 F.No.6(1369)/2008-KVK. 28/10/2019 Retirement of Shri. R Sanal Kumar
401 F.No.5(2)/2018-Estt.VIII. 28/10/2019 Completion of probationary period of Scientists
400 F.No.4(158)/2018-Estt. Vol.XXI 24/10/2019 Promotion of Smt. Sugatha Padmanabhan
399 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt.(XI) 11/10/2019 Working arrangements
398 F.No.7(1)Voluntary Retirement/2015-Estt. 05/10/2019 Retirement of K.Saseendra
397 F.No.18(1)WF/2007-Estt 27/09/2019 ICAR Staff Welfare Fund Committee
396 F.No.4(143)UGC/CAS/2018-Estt.I 27/09/2019 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR
395 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2018-Estt.-Vol.III 26/09/2019 Acting Head - Dr.(Mrs)S. Kalavathy
394 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt. 21/09/2019 PERIODICAL INCREMENT CERTIFICATE FOR THE YEAR 2019 (Administration Staff)
393 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt. 21/09/2019 PERIODICAL INCREMENT CERTIFICATE FOR THE YEAR 2019 ( Scientific Staff)
392 F.No.4(143)UGC/CAS/2018-Estt.Vol.X 19/09/2019 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR
391 F.No.4(143)UGC/CAS/2018-Estt.Vol.X 04/09/2019 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR- Dr. Alpana Das
390 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt 31/08/2019 Working Arrangements- Duties of Cashier
389 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt.XI 31/08/2019 Working Arrangements- Technical Staff
388 F.No.4(158)2019-Estt.(Vol.XXII) 31/08/2019 Assessment of Technical Personnel for the year 2018-19
387 F.No.2(MACPS)/2012-Estt 26/08/2019 Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme in respect of personnel under CPCRI
386 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt . 05/08/2019 Independence day Celebration
383 F.No.5(15)/2013-Estt. 26/07/2019 Institute Committees
375 F.No.2(18)/2019-Estt./Vol.XXII 08/07/2019 Institute Management Committee meeting - 2019-20
374 F.No.7(41)/IDY/2016-Estt. 18/06/2019 International Yoga Day 2019
373 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 14/06/2019 Interim arrangements
372 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 14/06/2019 Working arrangements
371 F.No.4(158)/2018-Estt. 12/06/2019 Merit Promotion of Technical Personnel
370 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 12/06/2019 Interim arrangements in Administration and Finance & Accounts during the leave/tour period of the regular incharge
369 F.No.7(28)B/2018-Estt. 11/06/2019 Holiday duty-Technical personnel
368 F.No.18(1)WF/2007-Estt. 07/06/2019 ICAR Staff Welfare Fund Committee
367 F.No.7(19)CC/98-Estt. 07/06/2019 Reconstitution of Womens Complaints committee
366 F.No.7(28)B/2018-Estt. 06/06/2019 Interim working arrangement
365 F.No.7(28)B/2018-Estt. 06/06/2019 Interim arrangements in HRD
364 F.No.6(1464)2010-Estt. 01/06/2019 Deputation transfer
363 F.No.4(158)/2016-Estt. 29/05/2019 Merit Promotion of Technical Personnel
362 F.No.7(28)B/2019-Estt. 29/05/2019 Working arrangements among the Administrative staff
361 F.No.6(1527)/2015-Estt. 28/05/2019 Transfer of Shri.K.G.Bhageerath
360 F.No.4(5)/2014-Estt-XVI/. 14/05/2019 Intra-institutional transfer
359 F.No.4(158)/2016-Estt. 06/05/2019 Promotion of Shri A.J.Bhadran
358 F.No.4(3)ARS/2014-Estt-XI. 04/05/2019 Intra-institutional transfer
357 F.No.6(1066)/86-Estt. 30/04/2019 Superannuation of Sri.K.Balakrishna
356 F.No.4(21)UDC/09-Estt.(Vol.I) 21/04/2019 Filling up of vacant post of Upper Division Clerk
355 F.No.7(28)B/2012-Estt.I 12/04/2019 Interim arrangements in Administration and Finance & Accounts durin g the leave/tour period of the regular incharge
354 F.No.42(2)36(M)/2015-Estt. 11/04/2019 Circular regarding Water Shortage
353 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 04/04/2019 Interim arrangements in DDO
352 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt . 02/04/2019 Interim working arrangement for Head of Office
351 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt . 26/03/2019 Interim working arrangement
350 F.No.4(143)UGC/CAS/2018-Estt.I 25/03/2019 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR
349 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 25/03/2019 Interim arrangements in DDO
348 F.No.4(218)a/2004-Estt./Vol.IV 12/03/2019 IRC Meeting-2019
347 F.No.4(143)UGC/CAS/2018-Estt.I 20/02/2019 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR
346 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt. 05/02/2019 Periodical Increment Certificate for the year 2019
345 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt. 31/01/2019 Periodical Increment Certificate for the year 2019
344 F.No.6(1382)/98-Estt. 21/01/2019 Retirement of Shri.M.V. Madhavan
343 F.No.7(34)AIPR/2015-Estt. 19/01/2019 Disclosure of Movable/Immovable property
342 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt. 18/01/2019 Republic Day Celebration
341 F.No.7(34)AIPR/2015-Estt. 15/01/2019 Disclosure of Movable/Immovable property
340 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt. 15/01/2019 Periodical Increment Certificate for the year 2019
339 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt. 11/01/2019 Promotion of Smt.Remya T.R
338 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt. 11/01/2019 Promotion of Sri Mohammed Haneefa P.K
337 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt. 11/01/2019 Promotion of Sri N.Udaya Kumar
336 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt. 11/01/2019 Promotion of Smt. Mary A.J
335 F.No.17(1)RIB(1)/2006-Estt.(Vol.III) 11/01/2019 Charge of PIO and APIO
334 F.No.6(1512)/2014-Estt. 10/01/2019 Retirement of D.r. P.Chowdappa(Director ICAR-CPCRI Kasaragod)
333 F.No.24(01)/2014-Per.III. 09/01/2019 Acting charge of Director
332 F.No.4(13)/2018-Estt. 08/01/2019 Promotion of Smt.Rupa Manikandan
331 F.No.07(28)B/2018-Estt. 01/01/2019 Working arrangements
330 F.No.07(41)/95-Estt. 31/12/2018 New Schedule for Working hours
329 F.No.04(225)HD/HS/2018-Estt-I. 29/12/2018 Acting Head of Crop Protection Division
328 F.No.04(225)HD/HS/2018-Estt-I. 29/12/2018 Acting Head of Crop Production Division
327 F.No.07(28)B/2018-Estt. 22/12/2018 Working arrangements
326 F.No.06(1428)/2003-Estt. 05/12/2018 Retirement of Shri. K.T. Unni
325 F.No.06(1046)/1986-Estt. 30/11/2018 Retirement of Shri. K. Kunhikannan
324 F.No.06(1188)/90-Estt. 30/11/2018 Retirement of Dr.K.K. Sajini
323 F.No.13(1)/2006-Estt. 19/11/2018 Head of office
322 F.No.4(160)/2018-Estt. 02/11/2018 Extension of deputation Sri K.G. Bhageerath
321 F.No.7(28)B/2018-Estt. 01/11/2018 Interim working arrangements RTI & APAR Cell
320 F.No.(164)e-Office/2018-Estt. 27/10/2018 Nodal Officer for e-office implementation
319 F.No.4(158)/2018-Estt. 22/10/2018 Merit promotion of technical personnel
318 F.No.11(5)A/Vig.2011-Confl. 22/10/2018 Vigilance Awareness Week 2018
317 F.No.17(1)RIB(2)/2006-Estt.(Vol.XV) 05/10/2018 Quarterly Report-01.07.2018 to 30.09.2018
316 F.No.4(158)/2016-Estt 15/09/2018 Merit promotion of technical personnel
315 F.No.4(14)/2004-Estt 12/09/2018 Intra-institutional transfer
314 F.No.2(18)/08-Estt./Vol.XXI 29/08/2018 Institute Management Committee meeting on 17.09.2018
313 F.No.26.11(Deptn)Thailand/2018-Confl. 17/08/2018 Foreign visit of Dr.P. Subramanian to Bangkok
312 F.No.26.11(Deptn)Thailand/2018-Confl 14/08/2018 Foreign visit of Director to Bangkok
311 F.No.7(45)/Celebrations/2015 Estt. 14/08/2018 Observance Sadbhavana Diwas on 20th August 2018
310 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt. 14/08/2018 Deputation Sri K.G BhageerathAAO to Kayamkulam for a period of three months
309 F.No.6(1503)/2014-Estt. 13/08/2018 Relieving order of Mrs.Nivedhitha(Technical Assistant)
308 F.No.1(13)/2017-Estt . 02/08/2018 Independence day Celebration
307 F.No.6(1542)/2016-Estt . 21/07/2018 Transfer of ShriDr.Bikash Chowdhury
306 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt . 09/07/2018 Periodical Increment-Technical-July 2018
305 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt . 09/07/2018 Periodical Increment-Scientific Officers-July 2018
304 F.No.4(196)Tech./2017-Estt . 09/07/2018 Select list/Panel list for post of Technical Assistant
303 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt . 07/07/2018 Sri Neil Vincer-AAO-Estate Section and Estt1.
302 F.No.4(157)/2016-Estt . 04/07/2018 Promotion of Sri. T.K Gangadharan
301 F.No.4(13)/2008-Estt . 04/07/2018 Appointment of Sri . Neil Vincer as AAO
300 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2018-Estt .-1 04/07/2018 Acting Head CPCRI RS Kayamkulam
299 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt . 02/07/2018 Periodical Increment-ADMN Officers-July 2018
298 F.No.6(1523)//2015-Estt . 30/06/2018 Relieving order of Mrs.Keerthana Umapathy
297 F.No.6(1485)/2012-Estt . 30/06/2018 Relieving order of Sri. Arivalagan
296 F.No.7(28)B//2017-Estt . 07/06/2018 Interim working arrangements-Administrative Officer
295 F.No.7(28)B//2017-Estt . 24/05/2018 Interim arrangements in PME Cell
294 F.No.2(2)2011-Estt.I . 23/05/2018 IJSC Meeting
293 F.No.1(7)(GCC)/2007-Estt. . 22/05/2018 Reconstitution of Grievance Committee
292 F.No.4(196)T1/2018-Estt . 16/05/2018 Last date extended for the online registration of Re-examination for the post of T1 Technician
291 F.No.4(143)UGC/CAS/2014-Estt.1 . 16/05/2018 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists
290 F.No.4(196)T1/2018-Estt . 15/05/2018 Re-examination for the post of T1 Technician
289 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010-Estt I. 27/04/2018 Acting Head of- RS Vittal
288 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010-Estt I. 25/04/2018 Acting Head of- RS Vittal
287 F.No.4(196)T-1/2018-Estt. 23/04/2018 Re- Examination for the post of T1 Technician
286 F.No.4(196)T-1/2018-Estt. 23/04/2018 Re- Examination for the post of T1 Technician
285 F.No.3(8)Cadre/2009-Estt. 23/04/2018 Abolition of Technical/SSS Cadre
284 F.No.4(158)/2018-Estt. 20/04/2018 Removal of clause inserted in the promotion order of Sri P.K. Krishnan Kutty
283 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 20/04/2018 Interim arrangement for DDO
282 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 13/04/2018 Interim arrangement for Accounts Officer-in-charge
281 F.No.4(196)T-1/2018-Estt. 13/04/2018 Technician-T1Re- Examination on 24-06-2018
280 F.No.4(158)/2016-Estt. 07/04/2018 Assessment of Technical Personnel for the year 2016-17
279 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 05/04/2018 Interim arrangement for Guest House in-charge
278 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt. 31/03/2018 Provisional combined seniority list of AAO up to 31.3.2017
277 F.No.5(15)/2013-Estt. 31/03/2018 Reconstitute of committees
276 F.No.5(2)/2009-Estt. 27/03/2018 Completion of probationary period of scientists
275 F.No.4(13)/2008-Estt. 13/03/2018 Posting Smt.V. Madhavikutty RSKayamkulam
274 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2018-Estt-I. 08/03/2018 Extension of term of Head RS Vittal
273 F.No.4(13)/2008-Estt. 06/03/2018 Promotion of Smt.Annamma
272 F.No.4(13)/2008-Estt. 06/03/2018 Promotion of Smt.Madhavikutty
271 F.No.10/EA/2017-SS. 06/03/2018 PM Address in farmers
270 F.No.17(1)RIB(1)/2006-Estt.(Vol.III) 05/03/2018 Appointment of APIO
269 F.No.2(18)/IMC-Const./2008/Vol.II 02/03/2018 Reconstitution of Institute Managament Committee
268 F.No.11(44)(1)/2002-CONFL. 26/02/2018 Chief Vigilance Officer post
267 F.No.4(158)/2018-Estt. 16/02/2018 Promotion of technical personnel
266 F.No.2(18)/08-Estt./Vol.XXI 16/02/2018 Institute Managament Meeting on 02.03.2018
265 F.No.4(158)/2016-Estt. 16/02/2018 Assessment of Technical Personnel for 2016-17
264 F. No.4(164)NAIP(L&CB)/2013-Estt. 17/01/2018 ER Sheets of Scientists
263 F.No.2-3/2017-AU 16/01/2018 Promotion of Sr.Scientists
262 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt. 15/01/2018 Republic Day Celebration
261 No.2(2)/2011-Estt.I/ 15/01/2018 IJSC Meeting
260 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt/1553 15/01/2018 Periodical increment certificate for the year 2018
259 F.No.13(1)/2006-Estt. 12/01/2018 Head of Office
258 F. No.4 (143)/UGC/CAS/2014-Estt.I 11/01/2018 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR
257 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt 11/01/2018 Officer-in-charge (Vehicles)
256 F.No.7(34)AIPR/2015-Estt. 09/01/2018 Disclosure of Movable/Immovable property
255 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 05/01/2018 SSS -Additional duty
254 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt 02/01/2018 Filling post of AAO
253 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010-Estt-I 01/01/2018 Acting Head of Division(Social Sciences)
252 Admn./F.No.3-3/2017-Estt 22/12/2017 Promotion of AAO
251 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010-Estt-I 18/12/2017 Acting Head of Division(Crop Improvement)
250 F.No.4(124)JAO/2009-Estt 15/12/2017 Filling post of JAO on deputation basis
249 F.No.59(1)/73-Estt. 14/12/2017 Closed Holidays/Restricted Holidays-2018
248 F.No.17(1)RIB(1)/2006-Estt. (VOl.III) 01/12/2017 Public Information Officer
247 F.No.2-7/2017-AU 01/12/2017 Promotion of Sr.Scientists
246 F.No.6(962)/06-Estt 30/11/2017 Retirement of Shri. Mohammed Basheer.B.M
245 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt 30/11/2017 Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme in respect of personnel under CPCRI
244 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt 28/11/2017 Senior Finance and Accounts Officer-in-charge
243 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt 27/11/2017 PS-in-charge
242 F No.17(1)Misc/2015-Estt. 23/11/2017 Service book verification
241 F.No.4( 158)/2016-Estt. 22/11/2017 Merit promotion of technical personnel
240 F.No.6(1513)/2014-Estt 16/11/2017 Promotion of Smt.Sheeja P.P.
239 F.No.NIANP/2-2(17)/Estt/2010-11/Vol.II 10/11/2017 Transfer of FAO
238 F.No.7(28)B/2017-Estt. 09/11/2017 Guest House Incharge
237 F.No.6(1486)/2012-Estt 08/11/2017 Transfer of Shri Suresh Kumar
236 N0.2(2)/2011- Estt.I/Vol.XV 07/11/2017 IJSC Staff side pre-meeting
235 N0.2(2)/2011- Estt.I/ 07/11/2017 Secretary IJSC (Staff Side)
234 No.2(2)/2011-Estt.I/VoI.XV 07/11/2017 IJSC Meeting
233 F.No.11(5)A/Vig. 2011-Confl. 26/10/2017 Vigilance Awareness Week
232 Admn.F.No.6-6/2015-Estt I 24/10/2017 transfers/posting from ICAR
231 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt 20/10/2017 Senior Finance and Accounts Officer-in-charge
230 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010- Estt:I 19/10/2017 Extension of tenure of CPCRI Regional Station Vittal
229 F.No.4(Misc)2006-Estt. 03/10/2017 Filling up the administrative posts on deputation
228 F.No.7(41)2014-SB-Estt-11 16/09/2017 Swachhta Hi Seva
227 F.No.4(158)/2016-Estt. 11/09/2017 Promotion of technical Officers
226 F No.59(1)/73-Estt. 28/08/2017 Bakrid Holiday
225 F No.7(45)Celebration/2015-Estt 17/08/2017 Sadbhavana Diwas
224 F.No.4(1O)(3)/KVK/2016-Estt. 10/08/2017 Transfer of Sri K. Shyama Prasad
223 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt 01/08/2017 Senior Finance and Accounts Officer-in-charge
222 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt 01/08/2017 Independence Day Celebration
221 F.No.6(1545)/2017-Estt 31/07/2017 Transfer of Shri S.K.C.Bose
220 Admn/F.No.17-7/2013-Estt.l 28/07/2017 Promotion of Shri.S.K.C.Bose
219 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt 27/07/2017 Chief Administrative Officer-in-charge
218 F.No.7(41)2016-Estt 21/07/2017 Yoga Demonstration classes
217 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010-Estt-I 20/07/2017 Acting Head of Division(Social Science)
216 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt 12/07/2017 Periodical Increment-ADMN Officers-July2017
215 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt 12/07/2017 Periodical Increment-Scientific Staff-July2017
214 F.No.5(1)S/2006-Estt 12/07/2017 Periodical Increment-Technical-July2017
213 F No. 5(1)Admn/90-Estt 11/07/2017 Periodical Increment-Skilled Support Staff-July2017
212 F No.5(1 )Admn/90-Estt 11/07/2017 Periodical Increment-Administrative Staff-July2017
211 F No.5(1)Admn/90-Estt 11/07/2017 Periodical Increment-Canteen Staff-July2017
210 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt 04/07/2017 SFAO-in-charge-Interim arrangements
209 F.No.6(1432)/2006-Estt 30/06/2017 Retirement of Shri.P.Madhavan Nair.
208 F.No.4(158)/2016-Estt. 22/06/2017 Technical personnel(Category I & II)-promotion
207 7(41)IDY/2016 Estt.II 20/06/2017 Third International Day of Yoga
206 F.No.6(1500)/2013-Est 20/06/2017 Transfer of Dr.K.Devakumar
205 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 19/06/2017 Transfer of staff members
204 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 19/06/2017 Working arrangements
203 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 19/06/2017 Working arrangements
202 F.No.4(5)/2004-Estt. 13/06/2017 Intra-institutional transfers
201 F.No.4(5)/2004-Estt. 13/06/2017 Intra-institutional transfers
200 F.No.4(5)/2004-Estt. 13/06/2017 Intra-institutional transfers
199 F.No.4(5)/2004-Estt. 13/06/2017 Intra-institutional transfers
198 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 12/06/2017 Scientist posting in PC Cell
197 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 12/06/2017 HOD Meeting-Member Secretary
196 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 12/06/2017 SSS posting in Director's Cell
195 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 12/06/2017 SSS -PME Cell-Additional duty
194 F.No.1(7)(GCC)/2007/Estt. 09/06/2017 Reconstitution of Grievance Committee
193 F.No.6(1476)/2011-Estt 07/06/2017 Transfer of Mr.Jayarama Naik K.M.
192 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt. 01/06/2017 DPC-Luizy D'Souza
191 F.No.CPCRIIJSC Election2017 31/05/2017 Result of Institute Joint Staff Council- 2017 Election
190 F.No.6(1352)/96-Estt 31/05/2017 Retirement of Smt.Prabhavathi K.
189 F.No.6(1524)/2015-Estt 31/05/2017 Transfer of Dr.D.Jaganathan
188 F.No.6(1432)/2006-Estt 31/05/2017 Retirement of Shri.Murugan.M.
187 F.No.6(1432)/2006-Estt 31/05/2017 Retirement of Shri.Haridas poojari.
186 F.No.4(225)/HS/2010-Estt-I 30/05/2017 Acting Head of Division(Crop Improvement)
185 No.F.5(15)/2013-Estt. 29/05/2017 Reconstitution of Transfer Committee
184 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt 08/05/2017 Interim arrangements during the leave/tour period
183 F.No.6(1476)/2012-Estt 29/04/2017 Transfer of Mr.Jayarama Naik K.M.
182 F.No.6(841)/82-Estt 29/04/2017 Retirement of Mr.Narayanan Nair.K(SSS)
181 No.F.7(19)CC/98-Estt. 29/04/2017 Reconstitution of Women's Complaint Committee
180 F.No.17(1)RIB/2006-Estt.(Vol.III) 25/04/2017 Public Information Officer
179 F.No.6(1490)/2012-Estt 25/04/2017 Transfer of Mr.TDS Prakash
178 F.No./ASRB/9(3)/2017-Assessment Cell 21/04/2017 ASRB-promotions/upward movement
177 No.2(2)/2011- Estt.1 11/04/2017 IJSC
176 F.No.4(143) UGC/CAS/2007-Estt 06/04/2017 CAS for ARS Scientists
175 F.No.6(35)/75-Estt 31/03/2017 Retirement of Mr.K.Rama(SSS)
174 No.F.40(2)36/Misce./Scheme-Estate 24/03/2017 Private car parking
173 Admn./F.No.3(1)/2017-Estt.I 15/03/2017 Transfer of Administrative/F&A Officers
172 F.No.4(5)/2014-Estt 14/03/2017 Guidelines/instructions- intra-institutional transfers
171 F.No.Admn.2-6/2013-Estt.I 06/03/2017 ICAR-Transfers
170 F.No.20(26)VII-CPC/16-Estt. 25/02/2017 Seventh Pay Commission-Pay Fixation-Kasaragod
169 F.No.201-3/04-Estt. 25/02/2017 Seventh Pay Commission-Pay Fixation-Kidu
168 F.No.4(20)/PC/1984-Estt. 23/02/2017 Acting Project Coordinator(Palms)
167 F.No.4(20)/PC/1984-Estt. 10/02/2017 PC(Palms)Incharge
166 F.No.7(28)B/2012-Estt. 09/02/2017 Interim arrangements in Administration and Finance & Accounts
165 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 09/02/2017 Administration-Sectional Transfer
164 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt. 02/02/2017 DPC-Promotion of Sh. M. Ravindran
163 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010-Estt.I 30/01/2017 Dr. C. Thamban Principal Scientist- continue as Acting Head of Division(Social Sciences)
162 F.No.4(3)ARS/2014-Estt. 30/01/2017 Completion of Tenure of Dr. H.P. Maheshwarappa (PC Palms)
161 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt. 19/01/2017 Republic Day Celebration
160 F.No.20(26)VII-CPC/16-Estt. 19/01/2017 Implementation of VII Central Pay Commission to Officer and Staff (Except Scientist)
159 F.No.4(157)/2010-Estt. 09/01/2017 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the posts of Assistant
158 F.No.7(34)AIPR/2015-Estt. 04/01/2017 Furnishing particulars of Movable/Immovable property
157 F.No.6(1529)/2015-Estt 21/12/2016 Transfer of shri.Man Mohan Deo
156 F.No.2(22)MACPS)/2012-Estt. 17/12/2016 MACPS for administrative/skilled supporting staff
155 F.No.59(1)/73-Estt. 15/12/2016 Closed Holidays-Restricted Holidays/2017
154 F.No.5(1)/73-Estt. 09/12/2016 Milad-un-Nabi Holiday on 12.12.2016
153 F.No.7(41)95-Estt. 09/12/2016 Centenary Celebration
152 F.No.3(1)Cadre Review/2016-Estt. 06/12/2016 Sanctioned Staff Strength-Administrative Category
151 F.No.4(3)/ARS/2014-Estt. 22/11/2016 Inter-Institutional transfer
150 F.No.4(158)/2014-Estt. 22/11/2016 Promotion of Technical Personnel (Category-I&II - Workshop Staff/Engineering)
149 F.No.4(158)/2014-Estt. 03/11/2016 Promotion of Technical Personnel (Category-I&II)
148 F.No.4(3)4/2015-Estt. 26/10/2016 Nomination of Scientist Incharge CPCRI Research Centre Kahikuchi
147 F.No.4(21)/2016-Estt. 25/10/2016 Date and Syllabus for the written examination for selection to the post of Lower Division Clerk(LDC)
146 No.F.4(21)UDC/09-Estt.(Vol.I) 17/10/2016 Filling up of vacant posts of Upper Divsion Clerk by deputation of regular UDCs of ICAR Institutes/Hqrs.
145 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010-Estt.I 03/10/2016 Dr.K.Balachandra Hebbar Pr.Scientist-Continue as Acting Head of Division(PB&PHT)
144 F.No.2(22)/MACPS/2012-Estt. 01/10/2016 Financial up-gradation under MACP scheme in respect of personnel under CPCRI
143 F.No.4(165)/2000-Estt. 01/10/2016 Guidelines/Instructions regarding Inter-Institutional transfer of Administrative/Support Staff of ICAR
142 F.No.4(143)UGC/CAS/2016-Estt. 30/09/2016 Representation regarding Career Advancement Scheme(CAS)
141 F.No.4(5)2014-Estt. 24/09/2016 Committee to review cadre strength in administrative category
140 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt. 08/09/2016 DPC-Promotion of Smt.M. Reetha
139 F.No.4(166)/2002-Estt. 08/09/2016 Guidelines/instructions regarding inter-institutional transfer of Technical service employees of ICAR
138 F.No.4(196)Tech./2016-Estt. 02/09/2016 Interim order-CAT regarding Sh. KP Ibrahim
137 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt. 01/09/2016 Departmental Promotion Committee
136 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 01/09/2016 Working arrangements-Asst. Administrative Officers
135 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 31/08/2016 Sectional transfers-Administrative staff
134 No.4(196)Tech/2016-Estt. 30/08/2016 Additional list-Assignment of Duties-Written Examination for the posts of Technician (T-1)
133 No.F.5(1)S/2006-Estt. 29/08/2016 Periodical Increment Certicate for the month of july2016
132 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 27/08/2016 Staff members to wear ID card
131 No.4(196)Tech./2016-Estt. 20/08/2016 Assignment of Duties-Written Examination for the posts of Technician (T-1)
130 No.F.5(15)/2013-Estt. 17/08/2016 Constitution of Library Advisory Committee
129 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt. 04/08/2016 Independence day Celebration
128 F.No.4(196)Tech./2016-Estt. 30/07/2016 Technician (T-1)-Date of Common Written Examination
127 F.No.4(198)/2008-Estt. 30/07/2016 Absorption of Sh. A.Neil Vincer at NIANP
126 F.No.GAC-21-42/2014-CDN 29/07/2016 Declaration of assets and liabilities by public servants
125 F.No.4(14)/2004-Estt. 28/07/2016 Intra-Institutional Transfers
124 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010-Estt.I 20/07/2016 Extension of tenure of Dr. C. Thamban
123 No.4(196)/2016-Estt. 15/07/2016 ASRB Examination duty
122 F.No.4(13)/2008-Estt.I 14/07/2016 Limited Departmental promotion
121 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt. 05/07/2016 DPC-Promotion of Smt.Lathika Kumari D
120 F.No.4(157)/2016-Estt. 05/07/2016 DPC-Promotion of Smt.Sheena Kumari KTK.
119 F.No.4(158)/2014-Estt. 01/07/2016 Merit promoion of the Technical Personnel
118 F.No.7(28) B/2014-Estt. 28/06/2016 Interim arrangements during the leave/tour period of regular Fin.& Accounts Officer
117 F.No.2(18)/08-Estt./Vol.XX1 22/06/2016 Institute Management Committee 2016-17
116 F.No.2-12/2016-AU 09/06/2016 Career Advancement Scheme for ARS Scientists
115 F.No.2-11/2016-AU 03/06/2016 Career Advancement Scheme-ARS Scientists
114 F.No.4(158)/2015-Estt. 25/05/2016 Assessment of Technical Personnel for the year 2015-16
113 F.No.4(157)/2010-Estt. 24/05/2016 Time table and syllabus for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
112 F.No.4(141)ARS/2014-Estt.I 12/05/2016 Posting/Transfer of Scientists
111 F.No.GAC-21-4/2016-CDN 10/05/2016 Web Portal-KRISHI
110 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 05/05/2016 Scientist-in-chargePME Cell
109 F.No.5(15)/2013-Estt. 05/05/2016 Committee to monitor the progress in Local Audit Paras settlement
108 F.No.7(28)B/2012-Estt. 28/04/2016 DVR (CCTV)
107 No.F.5(15)/2013-Estt. 28/04/2016 Women Cell Nomination
106 F.No.7(28)B/2014-Estt. 28/04/2016 Contract Officers for ICAR-CPCRI Research Centres & Regional Station Minicoy
105 No.F.4(141)ARS/2010-Estt./307 25/04/2016 Joining report of ARS probationers(103rd FOCARS)
104 No.F.4(157)/2015-Estt. 22/04/2016 Syllabus for Limited Departmental Compatibility Examination
103 F.No.7(05)/16-Per.I 11/04/2016 Office order for the transfer of Scientists
102 F.No.4(158)/2015-Estt./302 31/03/2016 Merit promoion of the Technical Personnel
101 F.No.9(1)/2016-Assessment Cell 30/03/2016 Revised performance evaluation/Score Card for ARS Scientists
100 F.No.7(19)CC/98-Estt. 09/03/2016 Constitution of Complaints Committee for prevention of sexual harassment of women employees at work place
99 F.No.4(157)/2010-Estt./301 08/03/2016 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-UDC
98 F.No.4(143)/UGC/CAS/2004-Estt.I/299 18/02/2016 Revised Career Advancement Scheme of ARS Scientists under ICAR-Consideration of proposals due as on 31.12.2015
97 F.No.4(158)/2014-Estt./298 10/02/2016 Merit promotion/grant of advance increment of the Technical Personnel
96 ------- 13/01/2016 Proceedings of the Heads of Divisions/Contract Service Committee meeting held on 13.01.2016
95 F.No.10(2)/2002-Estt.(vol.VIII) 08/01/2016 Provisional seniority lists of Administrative Staff of this Institute as on 01.12.2015
94 F.No.7(34)AIPR/2015-Estt 06/01/2016 Furnishing particulars of movable/immovable property
93 F.No.59(1)/73-Estt 04/01/2016 Holiday list for the year 2016
92 No.F.2(22)MACPS/2012-Estt 22/12/2015 Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACPS)
91 F.No.7(28)B/2012-Estt 05/11/2015 Civil/Electrical maintenance
90 F.No.2(22)MACPS/2012-Estt 02/11/2015 Financial upgradation under MACP scheme in respect of personnel
89 F.No.71(3)/2012-Estt 31/10/2015 Exercising franchise for election to Panchayat/Muncipalities/Corporation
88 No.XIII/IJSC/2015 28/10/2015 Meeting of technical staff of the institute with IJSC Staff side members
87 F.No.4(45)/Caretaker/2015-Estt 21/10/2015 Appointment of Caretaker
86 No.F.7(33)/2010-Estt 17/10/2015 Revised rates of emoluments for RAs and SRFs
85 F.No.4(141)ARS/2014-Estt 13/10/2015 Orientation training of ARS trainees
84 F.No.4(158)2014-Estt 08/10/2015 Promotion of technical personnel
83 ---- 30/09/2015 Return of Assets and Liabilities on First Appointment or as on the 31st March 2015 (Under Sec. 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act 2013)(Word)(Pdf)
82 F.No.4(225)/HD/HS/2010-EStt. I 30/09/2015 Tenure of Dr. K .Balachandra Hebbar as acting head (PB & PHT)
81 F.No.4(158)/2014-Estt 16/09/2015 Merit promotion of technical personnel
80 No.F.6(786)/2002-Estt 15/09/2015 Periodical increment certificate for the year 2015
79 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt 31/08/2015 Promotion of Smt K.Prabhavathi
78 F.No.6(933)/83-Estt Vol V/267 07/08/2015 Relieving order of Shri.Ramesh Kumar MP CTO(Library)
77 No.F.No.6(1333)/2005-Estt/266 04/08/2015 Transfer of Mr. P.Ravindran
76 No.F.6(713)/2010-Estt 31/07/2015 Relieving order of Smt.Usharani C H(AAO)
75 F.No.F.No.4(13)/2008-Estt 31/07/2015 Promotion of Smt.Jainamma Job
74 No.4(21)/2014-Estt 24/07/2015 Written examination scheduled to be conducted on 26.07.2015 for selection to the post of LDC under CPCRI Kasaragod
73 No.F.6(786)/2002-Estt 15/07/2015 Periodical increment certificate of technical officers for the month of july 2015
72 No.F.6(786)/2002-Estt 15/07/2015 Periodical increment certificate for the month of july 2015
71 F.No.4(5)/2014-Estt 13/07/2015 Transfer of Saran Kumar Rizal
70 F.No.4(5)/2014-Estt 13/07/2015 Transfer of P.Ravindran and M.Krishnan
69 F.No.4(5)/2014-Estt 13/07/2015 Transfer of K.G.Bhageerath
68 F.No.4(3)4/2008-Estt 13/07/2015 Transfer of Sandip shil
67 F.No.51(8)/2015-Estt.I. 08/07/2015 HRD Cell
66 F.No.6(1126)/88-estt Vol III 07/07/2015 Service book matter of Mr.Sebastian George
65 No.F.6(1481)/2012-Estt 06/07/2015 Reliving order of Mr.Pradeepkumar Vasu(AAo)
64 F.No.7(28)/2012-Estt/250 02/07/2015 Working arrangements among the Technical Officers
63 No.F.16(3)/89-Estt 02/07/2015 Issuance of Ordinary Passport to Government ServantsPSU/Autonomous body employeeset.al
62 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt/249 30/06/2015 Promotion of Assistants to Assistant Administrative Officer
61 No F.6(1321)/1995-Estt/246 30/06/2015 Relieving order of technical staff
60 No F.6(1445)/2008-Estt/247 30/06/2015 Relieving order of technical staff
59 No F.6(166)/2002-Estt.I/248 30/06/2015 Transfer order of Chief technical officer
58 No F.51(8)2015-Estt 20/06/2015 Training programme for LDC's and UDC's of CPCRI
57 F.No.NIANP/2-2(16)/Estt/2010-11/13 20/06/2015 Appointment of Personal Assistant
56 No F.6(713)/2010-Estt Vol I/243 20/06/2015 Instructions for submitting leave application
55 F.No.4(5)/2014-Estt 17/06/2015 Promotion of staffs
54 F.No.4(6)/2006-Estt 17/06/2015 Inter sectional transfer
53 F.No.4(14)/2004-Estt 17/06/2015 Transfer of staffs
52 F.No.4(3)4/2008-Estt 17/06/2015 Transfer of staffs
51 F.No.51(8)/2015/HRD/Trag./Estt.I. 06/06/2015 Nodal Officer HRD Cell
50 No.2(2)/2011-Estt.I/Vol.XV 02/06/2015 3rd meeting of the XIIIth IJSC of CPCRI
49 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt. 26/05/2015 Promotion of Assistants to Assistant Administrative Officer
48 F.No.10(2)/2002-Estt. 26/05/2015 Promotion of Assistants to Assistant Administrative Officer
47 F.No.10(2)/2002-Estt. 14/05/2015 Provisional seniority list of Assistants
46 Endt.No.7(40)/2012-Estt 06/05/2015 LTC Claims-Need for observing prescribed procedures
45 F.No.4(143)UGC/CAS/2014-Estt. 30/04/2015 Assesment proposal in respect of the Senior Scientists
44 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt. 30/04/2015 Appoinment order issued to Sh. P.Krishna Naik
43 F.No.2-PS/2015-AU. 28/04/2015 Promotion of Sr Scientists to Principal Scientist
42 F.No.2-PS/2015-AU. 28/04/2015 Promotion of Sr Scientists to Principal Scientist
41 F.No.10(2)/2002-Estt. 27/04/2015 Provisional seniority list of Assistants
40 F.No.51(8)/2015-Estt.I. 17/04/2015 HRD Cell
39 No.F.7(41)/MGMG/2015-Estt II 16/04/2015 Minimum government and Maximum governance
38 No. 6( 1500)/2015-EsttJl 16/04/2015 Dr B.R Ambedkar jayanthi celeberations
37 F.No.2-PS/2015-AU. 15/04/2015 Promotion of Sr Scientists to Principal Scientist
36 F.No.2-PS/2015-AU. 13/04/2015 Promotion of Sr Scientists to Principal Scientist
35 F.No.4(141)ARS/2014-Estt 10/04/2015 FOCARS
34 F.No.7(34)/2012-Estt/ 08/04/2015 Return under lokpal and Lokayuktas Act
33 F.No.59(1)/73-Estt/ 08/04/2015 Closed holiday on 14th April 2015
32 F.No.7(40)/2012-Estt 08/04/2015 service book entry varification
31 No.F.4(198)/2008-Estt 01/04/2015 Posts of personal assistants
30 No.2(2)/2011-Estt.I/ 01/04/2015 Proceedings of 2nd meeting of the XIIIth IJSC of CPCRI held at CPCRI Research centre Mohithnagar
29 No.F.6(753)/93-Estt/ 31/03/2015 Retirement of Smt.M. Padmini(AAO)
28 F.No.13(1)/2006-Estt 26/03/2015 Delegation of powers before proceeding on leave/tour
27 F.No.4(160)/2003-Estt 21/03/2015 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of AAO
26 F.No.1(12)/2011-Estt.II 20/03/2015 Nomination of shri Jayarama Naik K.M as Drawing and disbursing officer
25 F.No.4(3)4/2012-Estt. 13/03/2015 Administrative control of CPCRI Research CentreKidu
24 F.No.7(34)/2012-Estt. 12/03/2015 Returns under Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act 2013
23 No.F.51(9)2015-Estt. 11/03/2015 Cash Award Scheme for Administrative/Technical/Supporting Category
22 No.F.7(41)/MGMG/2015-Estt.II 11/03/2015 Minimum Government Maximum Governance plan
21 No.4(10)/3/2013-Estt.I 11/03/2015 New designation of technical personnel under ICAR
20 F.No.4(143)UGC/CAS/2007-Estt 11/03/2015 Revised Career advancement scheme for ARS scientists
19 No.7(41)/2014-SB-estt 02/03/2015 Switch over to renewable bio/solar energy
18 No.F.7(19)CC/98-Estt 02/03/2015 Reconstitution of Womens Complaints committee
17 No.F.7(19)CC/98-Estt 02/03/2015 Reconstitution of Womens Complaints committee
16 No.F.7(19)CC/98-Estt. 02/03/2015 Constitution of Complaints Committee for prevention of sexual harassment of women employees at work places
15 No.F.4(218)A/2014-Estt. 27/02/2015 Proceedings of the annual administrative meeting of the institute held on 26.02.2015
14 No.F15(7)/87-estt 23/02/2015 Appointment of Part time Medical officer
13 F.No.CAO/Circular/2015 11/02/2015 Committees for assessment of Ac's
12 F.No.7(41)/2014-SB-Estt II 29/01/2015 Swatcha bharath -cleaning activities
11 F.No.4(143) UGC/CAS/2007-Estt 29/01/2015 Career Advancement
10 F.No.1(13)/2007-Estt 28/01/2015 Martyrs Day
9 No.F.17(1) Misc/02-Estt 28/01/2015 Sanction of Child Care Leave
8 No.F.5(15)/2013-Estt 23/01/2015 HRD Nodal officer
7 F.No.7(34)/2012-Estt 21/01/2015 Details of movable immovable property
6 F.No.4(3)ARS/2014-Estt 14/01/2015 Posting Order
5 No.2(2)/2011-Estt.I/Vol.XV 02/01/2015 2nd Meeting of the XIIIth IJSC
4 F.No.11(16)COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. 20/09/2008 Closure of ICAR-CPCRI Head Quarters from 9.9.2021 to 10.9.2021
3 - Proceedings of the meeting of the Heads of Division CPCRI Kasaragod held on 16.12.2019
2 - Health check up Medical Form
1 E. F. No. 11(16)/COVID/HQ/2020-Estt. - Closing CPCRI, Kasaragod and KVK, Kasaragod from 22.07.2021 to 28.07.2021 (next TPR review date).