भाकृअनुप - केंद्रीय रोपण फसल अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Logo


Activities of the Farm section are guided by Scientist in Charge (Farm) and HoD (Crop Production). General maintenance of field with respect to ploughing, fertilizer application, irrigation, plant protection measures, harvesting and sale of farm produce are undertaken by the farm section. Maintenance of cleanliness in the office premises, quarters maintenance and security of the whole CPCRI is being undertaken by the section.

Farm has got different blocks and details of the same are given below:
  1. A and B Blocks: 21 ha : Red sandy loam soil.
  2. C, D and G Blocks: 18.39 ha : Red sandy loam soil.
  3. F Block (Hill block) : Laterite soil.
  4. E Block ( KVK) : Red sandy loam soil.
  5. Hill block and KVK :16.99 ha.
  6. J Block: 3.35 ha : Laterite and Hard laterite out crop.
  7. H and I blocks: 18.39 ha: Littoral sandy soil.
Total : 77.71 ha.
Layout of Farm