भाकृअनुप - केंद्रीय रोपण फसल अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Logo

Vision, Mission & Mandate


To make India a world leader in the production and productivity of coconut, arecanut and cocoa.


Harness science and technology to enhance competitiveness in coconut, arecanut and cocoa through generation of appropriate technologies.


  1. Strengthening the biodiversity and bio-security of mandate crops and their utilization for improving the productivity and income security of coconut, arecanut and cocoa growers.
  2. Protecting and improving the land, water, microbial and climate resources essential for sustained advances in the productivity, profitability and stability of palm based farming systems.
  3. Development of appropriate technologies which can help to attract entrepreneurs and can confer the empowerment of small and marginal farmers both in the production and post-harvest technologies, thereby enhancing their income and competitiveness.
  4. Promote adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change and to evolve mechanisms for crop and water management.
  5. Enhancing the income, livelihood, nutrition and health security of farm families through mutually reinforcing package of technologies.
  6. Promote innovations and improve human resource capacity involving all stakeholders in plantation crops.
  7. Foster linkages and collaborations with public and private, national and international organizations.


  1. Basic, strategic and applied research to enhance sustainable productivity, quality and utilization of coconut, arecanut and cocoa,
  2. Repository of plantation crops genetic resources and scientific information,
  3. Transfer of technology, capacity building and impact assessment of technologies,
  4. Coordinate research and validation of technologies on plantation crops through AICRP on Palms.