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ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
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Estate & Maintenance Section

# File No Date Title Download
1 File No.4(2)/2024-Allotment/Estate 21/06/2024 Circular and Application for allotment of Residential Quarter
2 E.F.No 4(8)/2022/Unified Waiting list- Qrts/Estate 05/02/2024 Unified Waiting List For The Allotment Of Residential Quarters For 2024 At ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod
3 F.No. 4(8)/2022/Unified Waiting List-Qrts./Estate 07/02/2024 Allotment of Residential Quarter Type III (C ), II (B) (on one step higher entitlement) (Eligibility:Level-2,3,4,5 in the pay Matrix)
4 F.No. 4(8)/2022/Unified Waiting List-Qrts./Estate 28/11/2023 Annual Unified Waiting List for the year 2024
5 F.No. 4(1) / 2O2O / General-Quarters/ Estate Part (1) 18/10/2023 Corrigendum for Revised licence fee for the residential quarters
6 F.No. 4(1 ) / 2020/ General-Quarters/ Estate Part (1) 26/09/2023 Revision of Licence fee
7 F.No. 4(8) / 2022 / Unified Waiting List-Qrts./ Estate 03/10/2023 Application for the allotment/change of residential quarters-2023
8 F.No. 4(8)/2022/Unified Waiting List-Qrts./Estate 28/06/2023 Application for allotment of Residential Quarter Type III (C ), II (B) (on one step higher entitlement)
9 F.No. 4(8)/2022/Unified Waiting List-Qrts./Estate 26/06/2023 Application for the allotment/change of residential quarters-2023
10 E.F.No 4(8)/2022/UnifiedWaitingList-Qrts/Estate 18/01/2023 Unified Waiting List for the Allotment of Residential Quarters for 2023 at ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod
11 E.F.No 4(8)/2022/UnifiedWaitingList-Qrts/Estate 18/01/2023 Unified Waiting List for One Step Above Allotment for Type II & III Residential Quarters for 2023 at ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod
12 F.No.4(7)/2021/Senioritylist-Quarters/Estate 02/12/2022 Unified Waiting List 2023
13 F.No.9(4)/2021/RTS/Estate 20/10/2022 Electrical Safety Officer
14 E.F.No 4(7)/2021/Senioritylist- Quarters/Estate 10/03/2022 Priority list for allotment of residential quarters CPCRI Kasaragod-2022
15 F.No. 4(2)/2020-Allotment/Estate 29/04/2022 Prohibition of pet rearing/nurturing in hill block campus
16 F.No.14(1)S/2019-Estate-IV 22/03/2022 Appointment of Ex-SM Security Guards
17 F.No.4(7)/2021/Senioritylist-Quarters/Estate 03/01/2022 Application for the allotment/change of residential quarters-2022
18 F.No. 40(2)36/2019-Estate (Canteen) 12/12/2021 Extension of contract to run Dept Canteen by Kudumbasree
19 2(2)/2020/Allotment/Estate 14/12/2021 Vacating higher type of accommodation allotted to staff
20 E.F.No. 4(02)/2020 - Allotment/Estate 30/10/2021 Application for quarters allotment
21 E.F.No 4(7)/2021/Senioritylist- Quarters/Estate 10/02/2021 PRIORITY LIST FOR THE ALLOTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL QUARTER FOR 2021 AT CPCRI, KASARAGOD
22 F.No.38(4)2019-20-Estate 24/01/2020 Seniority list for the allotment of Quarter for the year 2020 at CPCRI, Kasaragod
23 Nil 06/09/2021 Pre-Bid Meeting for Outsourcing Manpower
24 F.No : 3(1)/2020/SecurityGeneral/Estate 10/05/2021 Allocation of fund for Watch and Ward duties
25 E.F.No.4(2)/2020-Allotment/Estate 14/12/2020 Application for quarters allotment
26 F.No.4(1)/2020/General-Quarters-Estate 17/08/2020 Licence fee for Residential Quarters
27 F.No.38(1)2019-20-Estate 29/01/2020 Quarters Allotment Committee Meetting-24.01.2020
28 F.No.38(4)2019-20-Estate 23/12/2019 Application for the allotment/change of residential quarters-2020
29 F.No.40(3)2018-Estate 04/12/2019 Vehicle restriction- Agrostology Unit)
30 F.No.42(2)36(M)2015-Estate 26/07/2019 Full time water supply of Residential Campus
31 F.No.38(4)2019-20-Estate 28/03/2019 Quarters Allotment Committee Meetting-13.05.2019
32 F.No.38(4)2018-19-Estate 28/03/2019 Quarters Allotment Committee Meetting-19.03.2019
33 F.No.38(4)2018-19-Estate 05/03/2019 Seniorty list for the allotment Quarter for the year 2019 at CPCRIKasaragod
34 F.No.38(4)2018-19-Estate 21/11/2018 Application for the allotment/change of residential quarters-2019
35 F.No.38(4)2017-18-Estate 21/11/2018 Quarters Allotment Committee Meeting-29.10.2018
38 F.No.38(4)2017-18-Estate 13/09/2018 Quarters Allotment Committee Meeting-17.08.2018
39 F.No.38(4)2017-18-Estate 10/07/2018 Quarters Allotment Committee Meeting-09.07.2018
40 F.No.38(4)2017-18-Estate 18/06/2018 Quarters Allotment Committee Meeting-06.06.2018
41 F.No.38(4)2017-18-Estate 16/04/2018 Quarters Allotment Committee Meeting-12.04.2018
42 F.No.38(4)2017-18-Estate 19/03/2018 Quarters Allotment Seniority List-2018
43 F.No.38(4)2017-18-Estate 01/02/2018 Quarters allotment Committee meeting-1.02.2018
44 F.No.38(4)/15/16-Estate 19/01/2018 Quarters allotment Committee meeting
45 F.No.38(4)/2017-18-Estate 20/12/2017 Application for the allotment/change of residential quarters-2018
46 F.No.38(4)/2017-18-Estate 20/12/2017 Application for the allotment/change of residential quarters-2018
47 F.No.38(4)/2015-16-Estate 18/12/2017 Application for Residential Quarter -Type III
48 F.No.38(4)/2015-16-Estate 31/10/2017 Application for Residential Quarter -Type V
49 F.No.38(1)LF/2009-Estate 05/10/2017 The rates of licence fee applicable for Residential Quarter at CPCRI Kasaragod
50 F.No.38(4)2015-16-Estate 23/02/2017 Priority list for allotment of Residential Quarters as on 01.01.2017
51 F.No.42(2)/2015-Estate 11/04/2017 Water Scarcity at Residential Campus
52 F.No.38(4)/2015-16-Estate 14/12/2016 Application for the allotment/change of residential quarters-2017
53 F.No.31(3)/2016-Estate 23/06/2016 Official communication through e-mail ID's
54 F.No.38(4)2015-16-Estate 06/02/2016 Priority list for allotment of Residential Quarters as on 01.01.2016
55 F.No.40(2)36/2016-Estate 15/01/2016 Submission for award of Job Contract/Manpower
56 F.No.40(2)36/2015-Estate 12/01/2016 Meeting for clearing payment
57 F.No.38(4)/2014-15-Estate 07/12/2015 Application for the preparation of seniority list for the allotment/change of residential quarters.
58 F.No.31(1)HOV/2014-Estate 29/04/2015 Hiring of vehicles
59 F.No.31(1)HOV/2014-Estate 30/03/2015 Hiring of private vehicles for official trips
60 42060 17/02/2015 Proceedings of the pre bid meeting held on 10.02.2015
61 F No.40(2)36/2014-Estate 17/02/2015 Temporary advances-Adjustment bills
62 F No.38(4)/2012-Estate 12/12/2012 Application for allotment of Residential Quarters for the year 2013
63 F No.38(1)LF/2009-Estate 06/08/2012 Rate of licence fee applicable for residential quarters at CPCRIkasaragod
64 F No.38(4)2012-Estate 20/07/2012 Quarters Allotment