- Evolved community based approaches for improving livelihood security of coconut farmers through bio-resource management, plant health management and crop and enterprise diversification.
- Characterised the coconut and arecanut based cropping/farming systems and delineated factors contributing to resource use efficiency and higher income.
- E-Kalpa – an android mobile application has been developed and popularized for technology transfer in vernacular languages
- Developed sampling designs and conducted nation-wide surveys for estimation of cost of production, production forecast, biotic severity and crop loss.
- Developed advanced statistical modelling techniques for crop production forecast and for analysis of experiments.
- Provided policy level inputs on mandate crops at different strata ranging from regional to international level, that includes State Agricultural Prices Boards, WTO Cell-Government of Kerala, Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) and International Labour Organization (ILO).
- Established the Agribusiness Incubation Centre, which focuses on business ventures related to mandate crops by providing entrepreneurship development programmes, technology backstopping, financial guidance, and technical consultancy for the establishment of production/processing units.