भाकृअनुप - केंद्रीय रोपण फसल अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Dr. Sudha R

Senior Scientist

Crop Improvement

Senior Scientist


04994-232894 (ext.) 322


Ph.D (Horticulture - Fruit Science)

Fruit Science

·         Developed two sweet potato varieties CARI- Swarna and CARI-Aparna suitable for Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

·         Developed technology to increase the yield and quality of papaya using growth promoting bio-control agents.

·         Developed low cost technology for year round production of tuberose under Island ecosystem.

·         44 advanced generation breeding lines and 61 parental lines having resistance against different pathotypes of potato cyst nematodes were screened by marker assisted   selection.

·         Developed technology for management of Late blight in Kharif potato, Karnataka.


Name of Award

Awarding Agency                                                  



Best paper presentation Award

R. Sudha,V.Niral, K.B.Hebbar, K.Samsudeen and Ranjini, T.N. Evaluation of coconut genotypes for cocou inflorescence sap yield presented in International conference on Agriculture Horticulture and plant science” held at Dharamshala, HP from 27-28th June 2019, organized by The Society of  Tropical Agriculture



Young Scientist Award

The Society of Tropical Agriculture, New Delhi



Best paper presentation Award

Molecular characterization of PCN (Globodera) species from The Nilgiris” by Aarti Bairwa, E. P. Venkatasalam, A. Jeevalatha, Jenifer, H. M. Priyank,

R. Sudha and S. K. Charakbarti presented in National symposium on Climate smart agriculture for nematode management” held at ICAR- CCARI, Goa



Jagar Nath Raina Memorial All India Best Publication Award -2017

SADHNASociety for Advancement of Human and Nature), Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan, Himachal Pradesh for Bairwa Aarti, Venkatasalam EP, Umamaheswari R, Sudha R and Singh BP. 2017. Effect of cultural practices on potato cyst nematode population dynamics and potato tuber yield. Indian Journal of Horticulture 74(1): 91-96.



Fellow of SAB

Society for Applied Biotechnology, Karnataka, India,



Fellow of AABS

Association for the Advancement Biodiversity Science,

Karnataka, India



Best Poster Presentation Award

R. Sudha, V. Damodaran, T. Damodaran, D.R. Singh,

M. Sankaran and I. Jaisankar. 2009. Influence of time of planting, plant density and method of fertilizer application on the growth and yield of banana (Var.Katta Champa) in Bay Islands. In National Workshop cum Seminar on Status and future strategies of Horticulture Development in A&N Islands Held at CARI, Port Blair.





        Priyank Hanuman Mhatre,, K.L. Divya, E.P. Venkatasalam, Aarti Bairwa, R. Sudha,C. Saranya, Govindharaj Guru-Pirasanna-Pandi, Sanjeev Sharma. 2021. Evaluation of trap crop, Solanum sisymbriifolium and antagonistic crops against potato cyst nematodes, Globodera spp. South African Journal of Botany. 138:242-248.

2R. Sudha, Priyank Hanuman Mhatre, Divya K. Lekshmanan, E. P. Venkatasalam, Aarti Bairwa, Vinay Bhardwaj, Dalamu and Reena Sharm.  2019. Phenotypic and molecular characterization of potato germplasm forpotato cyst nematode resistance. Indian J. Genet., 79 (2): 394-403.
3R. Sudha, V.Niral, Y. Diwakar, M.K. Rajesh and K. Samsudeen. 2019. Assessment of genetic diversity in West Coast Tall coconut. Indian J. Agri. Sci. 89(9):1456-61.
4R. Sudha, V. Niral, K. B. Hebbar and K. Samsudeen (2019). Coconut inflorescence sap. Current Science. 116(11): 1809-1817
5E. P. Venkatasalam, Aarti bairwa, Divya, K, R. Sudha, Priyank H Mhatre, P. M Govindakrishnan and R.K. Singh. 2019. Effect of nitrogen sources on yield and yield components of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars. Indian J. Agri. Sci. 89(1):35-40.
6T. A. Joseph, R. Sudha, E. P. Venkatasalam, Aarti Bairwa, R. Umamaheswari, K. L. Divya and Priyank H. Mhatre. 2019. Variety Notification: PotatoVariety Kufri Sahyadri. Indian J. Genet., 79 (2): 519.
7R. Sudha, E.P. Venkataslam, Priyank H Matre, Aarti Bairwa and Divya KL. 2017. Influence of potato cyst nematode infestation in different potato varieties. Indian J. Nematology, 47(1):20-26.
8Aarti Bairwa, E.P.Venkatasalam, R. Umamaheswari, R. Sudha and B. P. Singh. 2017. Effect of cultural practices on potato cyst nematode population dynamics and potato tuber yield. Indian J. Hort. 74 (1):91-96.
9Aarti Bairwa, E.P.Venkatasalam, R.Umamaheswari and R. Sudha. 2017. Effect of non- solanaceous crops on potato cyst nematode. Indian Journal of Nematology. 47(1): 39-42.
10Sudha,R., E.P.Venkatasalam, Aarti Bairwa, Vinay Bhardwaj, Dalamu and Reena Sharma (2016). Identification of potato cyst nematode resistant genotypes using molecular markers. Scientia Horticulturae. 198: 21-26.