भाकृअनुप - केंद्रीय रोपण फसल अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Free / Cocoa

1 A Knife for harvesting Cacao and A small Drier for Cacao Beans (English) - Pamphlet: 15
2 Calendar for Cocoa 2012(English) - Technical Bulletin No: 76
3 Calendar for Cocoa(Hindi)
4 Calendar for Cocoa(Kannada)
5 Calender for Cocoa (Assamese)
6 Cocoa beeja samsakarane mattu chocolate utpadhane (Kannada)
7 Cocoa Cultivation Practices (Tamil)
8 Cocoa Guide (English)- Technical Bulletin No: 134
9 Cocoa Krishi Margadharshi 2018 (Kannada)
10 Cocoa Note Book (English) - Technical Bulletin No:144
11 Cocoa Note Book (Kannada) - Technical Bulletin No:145
12 Cocoa Nursery Kaipidi 2018 (Kannada) - Technical Bulletin No: 139
13 Cocoa planting material production (English) - Technical Bulletin No: 66
14 Cocoa to chocolate (English)
15 Cocoa Varieties of ICAR-CPCRI (English) - Centenary Publication No: 45
16 Cocoa Varieties of ICAR-CPCRI (Kannada) - Centenary Publication No: 57
17 Cocoadalli Baruva rogagalu mattu augala nirvahane (Kannada) - Extension Folder
18 Entrepreneur and Farmer Friendly Technologies (English)
19 Improved Varieties of Coconut, Arecanut and Cocoa ICAR-CPCRI Contribution
20 Insect pests of cocoa and their management (English) - Centenary Publication: 40
21 Insect pests of cocoa and their management (Kannada) - Centenary Publication: 58
22 Mitra nimavirakalilude kavungile verutheeni puzhukkale niyanthrikkam (Malayalam) - Extension Folder 265
23 National seminar on technologies for enhancing productivity in cocoa
24 Nursery Manual on Cocoa (English) - Technical Bulletin No: 109
25 Planting material for Cocoa(Tamil)
26 Profile of Cocoa Collections at CPCRI Research Centre Kannara (English)
27 Ready Reckoner on Cocoa, Coconut and Arecanut
28 Rodent and other vertebrate pest management in coconut and cocoa (English) - Technical Bulletin No: 26
29 Soil and leaf sampling methods in arecanut and cocoa (English) - Extension Folder-244
30 Soil and leaf sampling methods in arecanut and cocoa (Kannada) - Extension Folder-245