Institute Research Committee Meeting
May 13, 2024 : ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod | Author:Webadmin
The 52nd IRC meeting was held at ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, from May 13 to 17, 2024, under the chairmanship of Dr. K.B. Hebbar (Director), Dr. Ravi Bhat, Principal Scientist, was the Secretary of the IRC. All the scientists from ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, Regional Stations and Research Centres, KVK Kasaragod, and KVK Alappuzha participated.
Presentations of 7 sessions under the five divisions were made by Principal Investigators and co-investigators, respectively. The presentations were continued for four days. The Plenary Session was held on May 17, 2024. In the plenary session, farmers, personnel from developmental agencies from different organisations including cooperative and banking institutions attended and they suggested relevant activities as recommendations. The following were among the invitees participated in the meeting:
Dr. D. Chandrashekhara Chowta, (Progressive Farmer), Dr. Tejaswi Gowda (Agri. Entomology), Dr. Jayaprakash C.A. (formerly Head, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram), Mr. Krishna (Exec. Officer Agriculture (CAMPCO), Mr. Roopak Bhat (Mondelez), Dr. K.M. Sreekumar (College of Agriculture, Padannakkad), (ADM, NABARD, Kasaragod), Dr. Hanumanthe Gowda (CCDO, CDB), Sri Babulal Meena (Deputy Director, DASD), Dr. Dadasaheb Desai (Deputy Director, DCCD), Dr. Rashmi R. (Sci. Horti. KVK Dakshina Kannada), Sri Mahesh H.S. (Vice President, MAMCOS), Srikanth Baruve (Mangaing Director, MAMCOS), Dr. V. Srinivasan, Head, Crop Production & PHT (IISR kozhikode), Mrs. Ajitha C. (Production Manager, Dinesh Foods) and Dr. T.N. Ravi Prasad, Principal Scientist (DCR, Puttur).
During the meeting, ongoing projects, including 35 externally funded projects, were discussed, and the technical programme for the years 2024–25 was also finalized.