Ring Spot Disease of Arecanut
Apr 11, 2024 : ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod
Arecanut (Areca Catechu L.) palms showing chlorotic and necrotic ring spots were observed in Karnataka and Assam during 2023. The symptoms were similar to those of viral ring spot disease. Therefore, the samples were tested for viral pathogens. Symptomatic samples showed positive amplification in PCR using coat protein primers for Arepavirus reported from China. The amplified sequences were >85% similar to the coat protein gene sequences of Chinese isolates from areca palm necrotic ring spot. This is the first report of viral ring spot disease in arecanuts in India. Detection of such symptoms on arecanut palms from the south and north-east warrants strict surveillance and monitoring and a possible eradication of disease-affected palms, considering the spread of the pathogen.
Chlorotic ring spots