Training Programme on Coconut Hybridization Techniques
Jan 03, 2024 : ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod | Author:Web Admin
A training programme on ‘Coconut hybridization techniques’, sponsored by the Coconut Development Board (CDB), was conducted from 3-5 January, 2024, at ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod. The programme was for officials from the Department of Horticulture/ Agriculture of the states of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. On 03.01.2024, the training programme was inaugurated by Dr. Anitha Karun, the former Acting Director of ICAR-CPCRI. Dr. K.B. Hebbar, Director, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, presided over the function. Dr. Niral V., Head of the Crop Improvement Division and Course Director, gave a brief overview of the significance and scope of this training programme.
On the final day of the training programme, chief guest, Dr. Hanumanthe Gowda, CCDO, CDB, Kochi, delivered a lecture on ‘Coconut nursery: An enterprise’ and also apprised the trainees on the different schemes offered by CDB.
A total of 20 people attended the programme, which was aimed at strengthening knowledge and skills in coconut hybridization procedures in order to aid coconut growers by increasing the output of high-quality planting material. The Course Directors were Dr. V. Niral and Dr. Samsudeen, K., and the coordinators were Mrs. Ranjini, T.N., and Dr. R. Sudha.