108th Foundation Day of the ICAR-CPCRI
Jan 05, 2024 : ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod | Author:Web Admin
ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod celebrated 108th Foundation Day on Friday 5th January 2024 in a befitting manner. Dr. N. K. Krishna Kumar, Former Deputy Director General (Horticultural Science), ICAR, New Delhi delivered the Foundation day address.
Dr. Krishna Kumar in his address emphasized that innovation is the key for facing the challenges experienced in coconut, arecanut and cocoa and other plantation crops in the current scenario. Innovative strategies including efficient marketing are to be adopted for enhancing income through value addition in plantation crops. Lack of availability of skilled labour is a major constraint experienced by coconut and arecanut growers and hence interventions to train rural youths as implemented under the ‘Friends of Coconut Tree’ scheme are to be implemented. Research also needs to be strengthened to address the field problems in palms and cocoa.
Dr. George V Thomas, former Director, ICAR-CPCRI Kasaragod delivered Dr. K.V. Ahamed Bavappa memorial lecture on "Biodiversity and conservation based approaches to enhance soil health, system productivity and ecosystem services in plantation crops". He also distributed climbing devices and certificates to palm climbers under the Scheduled Tribe Component scheme.
Dr. K. Balachandra Hebbar, Director, ICAR-CPCRI welcomed the gathering and gave introductory remarks.
Dr. J. Dinakara Adiga, Director, ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur offered felicitations and distributed certificates to participants of training programme sponsored by Coconut Development Board on ‘Hybridization technique in coconut’.
Dr Anitha Karun, former Director, ICAR-CPCRI Kasaragod released two publications viz., Crop health management in coconut and Cocoa cultivation and offered felicitations.
Dr. B. Hanumanthe Gowda, Chief Coconut Development Officer, Coconut Development Board, Kochi inaugurated the training programme for Farmer producer Organisations on ‘Coconut value addition’, released the publication on Hybridization technique and planting material production in coconut and offered felicitations.
Shri Dadasaheb Desai, Deputy Director, Directorate of Cashew nut and Cocoa Development, Kochi released the Institute technology calendar and offered felicitations.
Exchange of MoUs/Material Transfer Agreements on different technologies with entrepreneurs and other stakeholders was also made during the Foundation day function.
Selected representatives of FPOs from Tamil Nadu, extension personnel from Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala participated in the Foundation day Programme besides the staff members from the head quarters at Kasaragod, regional stations at Kayangulam and Vittal, research centres at Kahikuchi, Mohitnagar and Kidu and retired personnel of CPCRI.
Dr. Thamban C, Principal Scientist (Agricultural Extension) proposed vote of thanks.