Seminar on Popularization of Coconut Ecotype ‘Bedakam Thengu’
Jun 05, 2023 : ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod | Author:webadmin
A seminar was organized on 05.06.2023, World Environment Day, at Bedadka in connection with the inauguration of distribution of seedlings of coconut ecotype ‘Bedakam Thengu’ in collaboration with Bedadka Grama Panchayat and Krishi Bhavan. Dr. George Thomas, Chairman, Kerala State Biodiversity Board inaugurated the seedling distribution. Dr K.B. Hebbar, Director,ICAR-CPCRI inaugurated the ‘Haritha Sabha’ of Bedadka Grama Panchayat. CPCRI has been promoting the popularization of the superior coconut ecotype ‘Bedakam Thengu’ by characterising the same, facilitating the formation and empowering the FPO of farmers cultivating the ecotype and conducting capacity development programmes to benefit FPO and the members of Karshika Karma Sena for managing the nursery of ‘Bedakam Thengu’.