National Training on Hybridization Techniquesin Coconut
Jun 02, 2023 : ICAR-CPCRI, RC, Kidu | Author:webadmin
Seven days national level training programme on “Hybridization techniquesin coconut” sponsored by Coconut Development Board (CDB) inaugurated on 2nd June, 2023 at ICAR-CPCRI, Research Centre, Kidu, Karnataka by Dr. Vikramadithya Pandey, Former ADG (Hort. Sci. I), ICAR, New Delhi.
Dr. V. Pandeyin his inaugural address highlighted the potential of this programme in meeting huge requirement for thehybrid coconut planting materials to address challenges faced by coconut farmers in terms of low yields, vulnerability to pests and diseases and climate change.
Dr. K.B. Hebbar, Director, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod,delivered the presidential address and called upon the trainees to make best use of this training and ensure the production of quality hybrid planting material.
Dr. Niral V., Acting Head, Crop improvement, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod and the training coordinator, briefly introduced the scope and contents of the training programme.
Mrs. Mini Mathew, Assistant Director, CDB, Kochi was the guest of honour on this occasion and elucidated the efforts being taken by Coconut Development Board to address the constraints faced by coconut farmers, especially skilled manpower for coconut harvesting, planting material production and plant protection. This is the first time that, a national level training programme is being conducted on this important topic “Hybridization techniques in coconut” and it includes 25 trainees representing states of Tripura, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It also includes staff working in different DSP farms of Coconut Development Board.