38th Annual Workshop of AICRP on PHET
Feb 20, 2023 : ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod | Author:webadmin
ICAR-CPCRI, organized 38thAnnual Workshop of the All India Coordinated Research Project on Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (AICRP on PHET) during 20-22 February, 2023 at Kasaragod. A total of six sessions were conducted during the Annual Workshop. Prof. Prasad Krishna, Director, NIT-Calicut was the chief guest of the inaugural session. He complemented the whole PHET group for the technologies and machines developed. He suggested for acoustic sensors to detect spoilages in grain storage warehouses. He assured the cooperation for collaborative research with NIT-Calicut and Suratkal on research activities related to IoTs in Agriculture. The session was chaired by Dr. S.N. Jha, DDG (Agrl. Engg.) and other dignitaries in the dais were Dr. K. Narsaiah, ADG (Process Engg), Dr. K.B. Hebbar, Director, ICAR-CPCRI, Dr. Nachiket Kotwaliwale, Director, ICAR-CIPHET, and Dr. R.K. Vishwakarma, Project Coordinator of AICRP on PHET.
About 100 delegates from 31 different centres of AICRP on PHET, ICAR-CIPHET and ICAR Headquarters were participated in the workshop. Dr. R.K. Viswakarma, PC presented Coordinator’s Report. Dr. S.N. Jha, DDG (Engg.) briefed about the expectation of the SMD (Engg) from the AICRP on PHET and insisted to work hard for development of good technologies and success stories. He emphasized the need to work on carbon emission wherever required.
Two new technical bulletins in Tamil on ‘Virgin coconut oil’ and ‘Coconut chips’ by ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod centre were released by the chief guest and DDG (Agrl. Engg.). Four memorandums of agreement for transfer of AICRP on PHET, ICAR-CPCRI developed technologies ‘Virgin coconut oil’, ‘coconut chips’, ‘foam mat dried coconut milk powder’ and ‘Kalparasa tapping and value addition’ were executed to three entrepreneurs.
The technical session was chaired by Dr. S. N. Jha, DDG (Agrl. Engg) and Co-Chaired by Dr. K. Narsaiah, ADG (PE) ICAR and Dr. Nachiket Kotwaliwale Director ICAR-CIPHET. Dr. N. Varadharaju, Retd. Dean, AEC&RI, TNAU, Coimbatore and Dr. Ch. V.V. Satyanarayana, Prof & Head, ANGRAU, Bapatla were the expert invitees to review the progress of research work.
A Business and Plenary session was held at the end of the technical sessions on 22thFebruary, 2023 which was co-chaired by Dr. K.B. Hebbar, Director, ICAR-CPCRI.