Skill Training for Rural Youth (STRY) at KVK-Alappuzha
Dec 19, 2022 : KVK-Alapuzha | Author:webadmin
A skill training programme on “Dairy, Goatary and Poultry management” for Rural Youth (STRY) sponsored by ATMA-Alappuzha was organized at KVK-Alappuzha from 19th and 27th December, 2022. In this hands-on-training programme, practical sessions and method demonstrations on various skilled activities viz., poultry vaccination, debeaking, brooder management, fish silage feed preparation, fodder cultivation and use of chaff cutter, manure pulvariser etc. were conducted in addition to the class room sessions on enterprise management and various Govt. schemes implemented in the sector. Exposure visit to progressive farmers’ units at Muttar and Edathua was also conducted for a full day. Fifteen rural youths including 5 men and 10 women who have already initiated dairy, goatary and poultry farming activities were the participants.