Formation of FPO 'Bee Web on Honey' for Scheduled caste farmers under SCSP
Sep 17, 2022 : ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod | Author:webadmin
In connection with the Prime minister Shri. Narendra Modi's birthday on 17.09.2022, ICAR - CPCRI organized SCSP beneficiaries meeting for ''Focus discussion on the formation of Farmer Producer Organization (FPO)' for the honey bee farmers of scheduled caste community of Kasaragod district.
The meeting was inaugurated by Dr. Anitha Karun, Director ICAR - CPCRI followed by discussion with SCSP beneficiaries on merits of formation of FPO and its guidelines lead by Shri. P. R. Muralidharan, President BAMCO and Vice President of Sahakar Bharathi and Dr. Muralidharan K., Head (Social Science division) of ICAR - CPCRI. The participated farmers were provided 15 bee hives each to 60 beneficiaries in the district and 10 kg sugar for each maintaining bee colonies during off season. Dr. Rajkumar, Scientist and Smt. Ashamol, Technician are Coordinators of the meeting