Plant Health Management in Arecanut
Aug 27, 2022 : ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Vittal | Author:webadmin
Training cum interface programme on ‘Plant health management in arecanut’ was organized at ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Vittal on 27th August 2022. The program was inaugurated by Shri Mahesh Puchchappady, Secretary, All India Arecanut Growers Association. The inaugural session was presided over by Dr. Ravi Bhat, Head, Crop Production Division, CPCRI.
Training on scientific cultivation practices of arecanut was conducted for the farmers. Farmers shared their experience on phytosanitation using CFT pole, underground drainage system, management of root grub and inflorescence die back disease of arecanut.
Scientist - Farmer interface program was coordinated by Dr. C. Thamban. Farmers raised their queries on different aspects of arecanut cultivation to the expert panel and suitable suggestions were provided by the experts. Live samples of diseases, pests and nutrition disorders of arecanut and cocoa were displayed to the trainees.
Bio agents, Trichoderma harzianum (CPCRI ACT 1) and T. asperellum (CPCRI AT 172) were released for using in arecanut seedlings. They were found to improve the growth of arecanut seedlings and were effective against Phytophthora spp, Fusarium spp and Ganoderma spp affecting the arecanut crop.
Dr. C.T. Jose was felicitated by the farmers in view of his retirement from ICAR service on 31st August 2022 and for his contribution to arecanut and cocoa research. Shri Padre, Executive Editor, Adike Patrike, Shri Santhosh Kuthamotte, President, Primary Credit Cooperative Society, Arabthodu-Thodikana, Shri Pradeep D'Souza, SADH, Bantwal were the guests graced the occasion. More than 110 farmers attended the training program.