Training programme on “Crop health management in Arecanut with special emphasis on arecanut fruit rot disease” sponsored by Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development (DASD), Calicut
Mar 28, 2022 : CPCRI- Kidu | Author:Web Admin
Organized one day training programme on "Crop health management in Arecanut” at ICAR-CPCRI, Kidu, Dakshina Kannada district, Karnataka on 28.03.2022 under the sponsorship of DASD, Calicut. Training programme inauguration started with the prayer song and followed by ICAR song. Dr. Diwakar Y, Scientist, ICAR - CPCRI Kidu welcomed the guests and farmers participants to the training programme.
The programme was inaugurated by Sri Shivashankar, President, Bilinele Gram Panchayath Puttur Taluk, Dakshin Kannad District of Karnataka. During his inaugural address he highlighted the contribution of ICAR-CPCRI for the growth of farming community and providing employment opportunities to many unemployed youths of surrounding villages. Sri Medhappa, Head, Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development, Puttur taluk, Dakshin Kannada District of Karnataka briefed about the programme in his Presidential address.
Dr. Diwakar Y, Scientist, CPCRI Kidu, delivered talk on “Improved varieties and hybrids of arecanut and its cultivation practices”. Dr. Prathibha V.H. Scientist Sr. scale ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod Co-ordinator of the programme delivered lecture on “Integrated disease management in Arecanut with special reference to arecanut fruit rot disease” and also explained in detail about different Trichoderma based formulations developed by ICAR-CPCRI and their efficacy in management of diseases. Dr. Sujithra M. Scientist Sr. scale ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod delivered lecture on “Integrated management of pests in coconut and demonstrated eco-friendly management of whitefly using Simplicillium”.
Dr. Rajkumar, Scientist Sr. scale ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod delivered talk on “Integrated pest management in Arecanut with special reference to white grub management using Entamopathogenic nematodes (Kalpa EPN aqua formulation technology) and also explained efficacy of Entomopathogenic nematodes in the management of various insect pests infesting intercrops grown in coconut garden. More than 100 farmers were participated in the programme. Farmer field visits are also conducted to diagnose pest and disease incidence in coconut and demonstrated production of Trichoderma talc & areca leaf sheath technology and its using for the eco-friendly management of coconut stem bleeding and slow wilt disease in black pepper intercropped in coconut system.