ICAR - CPCRI organized “Training cum field demonstration on management of palm invasive whiteflies using entomopathogenic fungi”
Mar 28, 2022 : CPCRI- Kidu | Author:Web Admin
Training cum field demonstration on management of palm invasive whitefly complex using entomopathogenic fungi, Simplicillium lanosoniveum and other IPM approaches was conducted at ICAR - CPCRI Research Centre, Kidu on 28.03.2022. There were more than 110 farmers from dakshina kannada district participated in the training programme.
Shri. Shivashankar, President, Bilinele Gram Panchayath, Puttur Taluk, Dakshina Kannada inaugurated the training programme. The presidential address was delivered by Shri. Medhappa, Head, Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development, Puttur taluk, Dakshina Kannada and Progressive Farmer. Dr. Diwakar Y, Scientist, ICAR- CPCRI, Kidu welcomed the gathering and Shri. Gopala Krishna A S, Technical officer proposed the vote of thanks for the inaugural session.
In the technical session, Dr. Diwakar Y, delivered a lecture on “Coconut – hybrids, cultivars and cultivation practices” followed by “Integrated disease management in coconut” by Dr. Prathibha V H; “Integrated pest and nematode management in coconut” by Dr. Rajkumar and “Diagnostics and management of invasive whitefly complex in palms” by Dr. M. Sujithra. Farmers – scientist interface programme was arranged and farmers queries on pests and disease particularly whitefly management in palms were addressed in detail.
Further, field visit was made and the farmers were shown about the insect pests damage including whiteflies complex (Rugose spiralling whitefly, Aleurodiscus rugioperculatus, palm infesting whitefly, Aleurotrachelus atratus, nesting whiteflies, Paraleyrodes bondari and P. minei) on coconut palms. Field demonstrations on the use of entomopathogenic fungi, Simplicillium lanosoniveum (rice grain/ talc/ oil based formulation @ 5 gm/ ml per litre of water @ 2 x 108 spores / ml or gm) against whitefly management were carried out. Other approaches like installation of yellow sticky traps, neem oil (1 – 3 %) spray, and release of parasitoids were also demonstrated. Besides, exhibition on various bio control agents / products for palm health management were displayed. This training programme was organized under the project on “Formulation development of entomopathogenic fungus Simplicillium sp. and its utilization in the management of coconut invasive whiteflies” funded by Coconut Development Board, Kochi.

Fig. Field incidence of palm infesting whitefly, A. atratus and nesting whiteflies, P. bondari were observed in coconut gardens at Kidu farm

Fig. Field demonstration of entomopathogenic fungi, S. lanosoniveum (oil formulation) for whitefly management