ICAR - CPCRI Outreach to Below Poverty Line (BPL) Scheduled Caste families
Feb 19, 2022 : CPCRI Kasaragod | Author:webadmin
Under Govt. of India ‘Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP)’ ICAR-CPCRI in collaboration with Scheduled Caste Department Kasaragod, Kerala conducted five days demonstration cum training programme on “Scientific cultivation practices of coconut’ for Scheduled Caste beneficiaries ' at ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod from 15.02.2022 to 19.02.2022. The Acting Director Dr. K. B. Hebbar ICAR - CPCRI inaugurated the programme and appealed to the beneficiaries to actively participate in the training and improve their scientific skills in coconut cultivation and processing so as to find better employment opportunity and adopt the skill learned during training in establishing new coconut garden in their villages. The Head Social Science, Dr. C. Thamban, ICAR-CPCRI Kasaragod during his presidential address briefed the farmers about the SCSP schemes, and highlighted various activities initiated by ICAR - CPCRI during the past four years for the benefit of scheduled cast communities. In addition to the training, the institute has also planned to establish one hectare demonstration plot on coconut cultivation at institute research farm to impart hands on training involving the beneficiaries in each and every operations so that some of them could become master trainers. Dr. Rajkumar, Scientist-in-charge of the SCSP proposed the vote of thanks. There was an active participation of 18 trainees belonging to Scheduled Caste Communities. Dr. Subramanian, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CPCRI Kasaragod, during the technical session updated the farmers on basic skills involved in coconut cultivation including land preparation, pit opening, soil health and nutrient management and intercrop cultivation technologies developed by the institute. Dr. A. C. Mathew delivered lecture on different irrigation methods and also gave a live demonstration on laying out drip irrigation pipes in field. Dr. Sujithra M. delivered lecture cum hands on training on integrated pest management practices in coconut and conducted field demonstration of biological agents applications and trapping and killing of rhinoceros beetles through nylon net and pheromone techniques . Dr. Daliyamol apprised the farmers about the advances in disease management and conducted field diagnostic visits and management of disease technologies. Dr. Panjavarnam and Dr. Surekh R., Scientists from Crop production division had conducted field visits. Dr. Rajkumar served as Course coordinator and Dr. Sujithra, Dr. Daliyamol and Dr. Surekha are conveners of the training programme. The participants during their feedback expressed their satisfaction but also requested additional practical demonstration cum training on vermicompost production, use of bio-control agents, coconut climbing trainings and finding employment opportunities for them in the farm activities of CPCRI. Each trainee was awarded a training certificate and vegetable seed kit consist of brinjal, okra, amaranthus, long bean and gourds procured from ICAR - IIHR, Bengaluru for cultivation in their fields.