Report on DASD, Calicut-Funded Arecanut Training Programme
Jan 25, 2022 : CPCRI- Kidu | Author:Web Admin
As a part of the Golden Jubilee celebrationsof ICAR-CPCRI Research Centre Kidu, a DASD, Calicut funded training programme on “Good Cultivation Practices in Arecanut and Arecanut based Multi-Species Cropping System” was conducted for farmers at ICAR-CPCRI Research centre, Kidu on 25/01/2022. The chief guest Dr. K. S.Ananda (Formerly Head, ICAR-CPCRI Regional Station Vittal) inaugurated the programme and shared his invaluable experiences and reminiscences about the centre. He motivated the farmers to adopt multi-species cropping system by highlighting itsimportance in obtaining higher income from existing plantations through effective utilization of available natural resourcesand stressed its role in ensuring livelihood security during adverse conditions.The contact officer of this research centre, Dr. V. Niral (Principal Scientist, ICAR-CPCRI Kasaragod) during her presidential address briefed the farmers about the service rendered by ICAR-CPCRI, Kidu in production and distribution of quality planting material production of coconut, arecanut and cocoa to farmers across the country and also emphasizedthat the International Coconut Gene Bank for South Asia and Middle East (ICG-SAME) hosted at this centre is the best among the five global ICGs. Mr. Diwakar, Y., Scientist-in-charge of the centre welcomed all the guests & farmer participants and appealed to the gathering to inform other farmers to make use of the farmer beneficiary events being organized at this centre in commemoration of the golden jubilee year and requested their active participation. Dr. N. R. Nagaraja (Scientist-SS, ICAR-CPCRI Regional Station Vittal) the convener of the programme briefed the gathering about the training programme. Dr. Rajkumar (Scientist-SS, ICAR-CPCRI Kasaragod), proposed the vote of thanks. The event was witnessed more than 150 participants, including farmers not only from the neighbouring places but also from Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. Immediately after the brief inaugural session, the technical session was conducted. Dr. S. Elain Apshara, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CPCRI RS Vittal, during the technical session updated the farmers on recent developments in cocoa cultivation including improved varieties/hybrids developed by the institute and quality planting material production. Dr. N. R. Nagaraja delivered lecture on improved varieties and hybrids in arecanut, quality planting material production, recent advances in arecanut production technologies and also arecanut based multispecies cropping system. Dr Rajkumar apprised the farmers about the advances in pest and disease management and also responded to farmers queries on crop protection aspects. Demonstration on Bordeaux mixture preparation was also conducted. In addition, Mr. Diwakar, Y. and Dr V. Niral also served as resource person in the farmer-scientist interactive session. The farmers expressed their requirement of practical demonstration on use of bio-control agents such as Trichoderma, EPN etc. Following the interactive sessions, a quiz programme was conducted for the farmer participants. The programme came to an end with distribution of prizes to the winning teams. A small exhibition with display charts on improved varieties/ hybrids, quality planting material production, production technologies, arecanut based cropping system, integrated pest and disease management etc. was also arranged for giving first-hand information to the participants.