MGMG team outreaches weaker farming sections through distribution of vegetable seeds on 23-12-2021 at Kattanam, near Kayamkulam
Dec 23, 2021 : CPCRI- Kayamkulam | Author:Web Admin
As part of Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav activities, the Bharanikava village team comprising Dr P Anitha Kumari,, Dr A. Joseph Rajkunar, Principal Scientists, Dr M Shareefa, Senior Scientist, Dr S. Indhuja, Scientist distributed vegetable seeds to the weaker farming sections of the Kattanan village on 23-12-2021. The seed distribution conclave was inaugurated by Sri S. Ajaykumar, Ward counsellor, Kattanam under the coordination of the Bharanikavu Krishi Bhavan Agricultural Assistant, Smt Nazeera. About 26 women farmers belonging to SC/ST category participated in the programme.
Initially, a brief interaction discussion meeting was conducted in which the resource persons Dr A. Joseph Rajkumar, PS and Dr M Shareefa, Senior Scientist handled technical sessions about the basic vegetable farming techniques including soil preparation, pest and disease management, nutrition as well as agro-techniques pertaining to vegetable farming. Smt Nazeera, Agricultural Assistant also interacted with the women farmers and shared her experiences in vegetable farming. Queries on various farming issues including nutrition and pest and disease problems were addressed by the resource persons.
The seed distribution was inaugurated by Sri S. Ajaykumar, Ward counsellor, Kattanam. In his inaugural address, he opined about the closer association of ICAR-CPCRI scientists with the women farmers at Kattanam and also empowering them on innovative and intelligent vegetable farming techniques. He infused confidence among the women farmers about the breakage of knowledge gap between scientists and women farmers, as the scientific community cutting across various disciplines visit the fields in the village and offer technical advice at their doorstep to be a major success of the programme. Five packets of seeds obtained from ICAR-IIHR, Begaluru viz., amaranthus, okra, brinjal, vegetable cowpea and pumpkin were distributed to each farmer by him. The feedback from the women farmers is very impressive and is all likely to be a major influence among the weaker farming community of the village. This could lead the transformation of women farmers in vegetable farming approach in the villlage. Sri Basuran, farmer representative proposed vote of thanks.