Farmer FIRST Programme FFP – Agricultural Entrepreneurship Development training series
Nov 11, 2021 : CPCRI RS, Kayamkulam | Author:webadmin
Livestock is a major livelihood option of FFP farmers in Pathiyoor panchayth. Feed cost and scarcity in availability of green fodder are the major problems recorded by participating farmers in livestock sector. Scientific production of technologies for attaining potential yield of fodder was decided as a major intervention among individual farmers and Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs). Accordingly a training program on scientific and economic feed management of livestock with fodder crops and additional income was organized on 11 November 2021 at 10:30 AM at Public Health Centre Hall (PHC), Pathiyoor, as part of the Azadi ki Amrit Mahotsav initiative.
Ms. Anju Krishnan, Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP), ICAR - CPCRI handled the sessions on the cultivation practices of fodder crops, high yielding fodder varieties suitable for agro climatic conditions of Pathiyoor panchayath and their management. It was also emphasized the need for the production of quality fodder including fodder grass, pulses, tree fodder, maize, sorghum to meet the feeding requirements and their role in reducing feed cost of milch animals thereby providing nutrients for milk production and health of livestock animals. The cultivation and maintenance cost of fodder crops is comparatively low it can be a good source of income, also for Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs).
An interactive session of experienced farmers followed with Mr. Gopalakrishna Pillai, FFP model farmer shared experiences on organic methods of fodder cultivation for cattle which provided reduction in cattle feeds and improved livestock health & milk yield. He told that rather than one source of fodder crop, farmers also should adopt cultivation of fodder maize (African tall) and hydroponics which is a low cost option converting 1 kg of maize / pulse seeds converted to 7 kg of sprouts rich in minerals and vitamins as fodder supplement
Dr. P. Anithakumari, Principal scientist, FFP, ICAR – CPCRI discussed the importance of fodder cultivation and its integrated management as a microenterprise and social support venture. It was also decided to provide high yielding varieties (HYV) fodder grass slips to individual farmers and women groups for demonstration plots of fodder and quality production of fodder planting material.
A total of 24 farmers attended the program and this training programme was the seventh programme of Farm Entrepreneurship Development series under Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP).