World water day celebrated
Mar 22, 2021 : CPCRI-KASARAGOD | Author:Web Admin
The institute along with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kasaragod has celebrated world water day on the 22nd March 2021. An online workshop, KisanGhoshti(on campus) and demonstration (on campus) of water conservation and low cost water harvesting structures developed by the institute for farmers were the main events of the world water day. Theme of the workshop was ‘Judicious and efficient use of water in agriculture to ensure higher agricultural water productivity (Malayalam)’. Dr. Anitha Karun, Director, ICAR-CPCRI presided over the function. She stressed up on the necessity of harvesting, conserving and judicious application of water, especially in the Agricultural sector since water availability to agricultural sector would be reduced in future due to demand from other non-agricultural sectors. Dr. P. Subramanian, Principal Scientist gave a lecture on the theme topic. Main focus of his lecture was the water conservation and judicious application of irrigation water through micro irrigation in coconut gardens. Mrs. R. Veena Rani, Principal Agricultural officer, Kasaragod, Dr. Manoj Kumar T.S, Programme Cordinator, KVK, Kasaragod and Sri. Ashok Kumar, District Soil Conservation Officer, Kasaragod also attended and provide information regarding various soil and water conservation schemes available in the district. Two progressive farmers, Sri. Chandrasekhara Yethaduka and Sri. Radhakrishnan Polakada shared their experience of in implementing water conservation and water harvesting measures in their farm. On campus workshop was attended by 33 farmers and whereas 28 farmers attended the same online. Farmers turned up for on campus workshop was taken to the Pachakad campus of the institute for demonstration where the institute has implemented the several water conservation/ low cost water harvesting structures. An essay competition was conducted for high school Students of three nearby schools on the theme topic ‘Valuing water’. Commendation certificates were distributed by to the winners of the essay completion by Dr. Anitha Karun, Director during the valedictory function of the World water day, 2021 on the 22nd March 2021 after noon.