Task Force Committee on DUS Testing of Cocoa
Nov 11, 2020 : CPCRI-KASARAGOD | Author:Web Admin
The first task force committee to finalize DUS testing guidelines for Cocoa was met under the chairmanship of Dr. V. A. Parthasarathy, Former Director & Emeritus Scientist, ICAR-IISR, Calicut on 11 November 2020 at 3.30 pm through videoconferencing. Dr.K.V.Prabhu, Chairperson, PPV & FRA, New Delhi; Dr. D. Balasimha, Cocoa Physiologist & Former Head, CPCRI, RS, Vittal; Dr. Prasannakumariamma, Cocoa Breeder/Expert & Retd.Professor, KAU, Dr.Anitha Karun, Director (Act.), ICAR-CPCRI; Dr. Nagarathna, Registrar, PPV & FRA, New Delhi; Dr.Dipal Roy, Deputy Registrar, PPV & FRA, New Delhi; and Dr. S. Elain Apshara, Principal Scientist (Hort.) & PI participated in the meeting.
The meeting started with welcome speech by Dr. Anitha Karun. Dr. Nagarathna briefed the outline of the meet, invited the chairman to conduct the task force meet. Dr.V.A.Parthasarathy, in his opening remarks emphasized on the importance of DUS testing guidelines for horticultural crops, the fruits/plantation crops in particular as they are perennial and cross pollinated. Dr. S. Elain Apshara presented the draft guidelines in detail with an introduction about cocoa, its importance in Indian industrial needs and development of varieties, basic types of cocoa etc. Intensive discussions were made on each character, stage of observations, taxonomic descriptions and on-site DUS testing procedures, methodologies to be included etc. Genetics behind expression of distinct traits, physiological intervention of stable characters were tabled by chairperson, chairman and other members. Few corrections, suggestions and recommendations were made to specify the protocols to be followed, while evaluating characters at different stages of crop growth. Task force committee and PPV & FRA appreciated the effort, presentation and depiction of photos and drawings. Since it’s a legal document it was suggested to redraft the guidelines with clarifications. Dr.S. Elain Apshara, PI, offered vote of thanks to task force committee and the authority and the meeting came to an end by 6.30 pm.
03.30- 03.35 pm |
Welcome Address |
Dr. Anitha Karun Director, ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod, Kerala |
03.36- 03.41 pm |
Introductory remarks |
Dr. Nagarathna Registrar, PPV & FRA, New Delhi |
03.42- 03.55 pm |
Opening remarks by Chairman, Cocoa Task Force Committee |
Dr. V. A. Parthasarathy Former Director & Emeritus Scientist, ICAR- IISR, Calicut
04.00- 04.50 pm |
Presentation of DUS guidelines on Cocoa |
Dr. S. Elain Apshara Principal Scientist ICAR- CPCRI, RS, Vittal, Karnataka |
04.51- 05.25 pm |
Remarks by members |
Members- Cocoa Task Force Committee |
05.26- 05.30 pm |
Vote of thanks |
Dr. S. Elain Apshara |