ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam organized Career Oriented Webinar Series on ‘Agriculture and Allied Sciences: Challenging Career Options for Students’ during 6 - 12th Otober, 2020
Oct 12, 2020 : CPCRI- Kayamkulam | Author:Web Admin
Career Oriented Webinar Series on ‘Agriculture and Allied Sciences: Challenging Career Options for Students’ was organized at ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam during 6 – 12th October, 2020 for the Higher Secondary students. More than 1000 students from 14 districts of Kerala and Lakshadweep have actively participated in the programme which was conducted online through Zoom platform and simultaneously broadcasted live through ICAR-CPCRI YouTube channel.
The webinar series started with the inaugural session on 6th October, 2020. Dr. S. Kalavathi, Acting Head, ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam welcomed the gathering and briefed about the programme. Dr. Anitha Karun, Acting Director, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod delivered the presidential address, wherein she emphasized the scope of Agriculture and various allied disciplines as promising careers for students and at the same time enabling societal development through these sectors. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Rajasree M.S., Vice Chancellor, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Thriruvanathapruam. In her key note address she emphasized that the key to professional excellence is the choice of career based on the passion and attitude of the individual. The chief guest also highlighted the scope and possibilities of trans-disciplinary research in linking Technology, Environment and Agriculture for the development of agricultural sector. Dr. Chandrika Mohan, Principal Scientist ICARCPCRI, proposed vote of thanks during the inaugural session.
The webinar consisted of a talk and seven technical sessions by eminent speakers. The inspirational talk by Mr. P.B. Nooh IAS, District Collecor, Pathanamthitta on ‘Motivation to civil services career’ was an eye-opener for the civil service aspirants. He advised the students to opt their career only after a thorough analysis of the purpose for which they choose their field and that success solely depends on hard work. The technical session started with the lecture on ‘Agricultural research and education system in India’ by Dr. A. Joseph Rajkumar, Prinicipal Scientist, ICAR-CPCRI in which the students were oriented towards the possibilities of higher education and research in agriculture. Dr. C. George Thomas, Former Associate Dean, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, KAU delivered a talk for orienting the students towards various agriculture and allied courses by different Indian universities, admission procedures and future carrer prospects. Dr. Sudheesh Manalil, Professor and Head, School of Agricultural Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore & Honorary Associate Professor, University of Queensland, Australia handled a session on ‘Opportunities for higher studies in international universities’. He opined that it would be a better option to complete the under graduate studies from India and then to proceed for higher studies abroad. He also explained the procedure for applying various scholarships for higher studies in agriculture allied subjects offered by international universities. The technical session on ‘Eco and heritage sensitive agriculture (Green archaeology) at Pattanam (Muzris) Archaeological site’ by Dr. P.J. Cherian, Founder Director, Kerala Council for Historical Research (KCHR) threw light towards the scope of tans-disciplinary research involving Archaeology and Agriculture. Mr. Nagesh S.S., Chief (Agriculture), KSPB & Former AGM, NABARD oriented students about the ‘Scope of agriculture sciences in banking and allied professions’ and stressed the need for personality development while aiming at competing professional fields. The session on ‘Agri-business avenues for youth’ by Dr. Anithakumari, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CPCRI also exposed the students about different job oriented agriculture courses by other open universities like IGNOU which can be studied along with their undergraduate progarmmes. The last technical session was on ‘Agricultural engineering and food processing: Brighter career opportunities’ by Dr. Manoj P. Samuel, Head, Division of Engineering, ICAR-CIFT, Kochi, wherein he has highlighted the vast opportunities in the field of Food technology and Agricultural engineering.
The valedictory session was held online on 12th October, 2020 under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Muralidharan, Acting Head, Division of Social sciences, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod. Dr. S. Kalavathi welcomed the gathering and Dr. Jiju P. Alex, Director of Extension, KAU, delivered the valedictory address. Dr. Jiju could motivate the students for opting Agriculture as their career by beautifully narrating the satisfaction that can be derived through serving the mother earth and motherland. Dr. K. Nihad, Senior Scientist presented the brief report of the webinar which was followed by cultural events and feed back by the student participants.
E-booklet on ‘Agricultural Science: Scope and Opportunities’ was released on the occasion and ecertificates were distributed to all the registered participants and winners of different competitions. The progarmme came to an end by Vote of thanks by Dr. Anes K.M, Scientist.
Dr. Nihad K., Dr. Anes K.M. and Dr. S. Kalavathi were acted as the Coordinators of the programme