Training programme on business plan preparation for Farmer Producer Organization (FPO)
Oct 17, 2020 : CPCRI- Kayamkulam | Author:Web Admin
"Training programme on business plan preparation for Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) was conducted for Directors and Promoters of Odanadu Farmer Producer Company Limited (OFPC)Reg No:UC1110KL2019PTC060976 of Farmer First Programme in which ICAR-CPCRI as the Producer Organisation Promoting Institution(POPI).The programme was conducted on 17/10/2020,Saturday from 3:00pm to 6:00 pm .The meeting was inaugurated by Mr.Premkumar,(D.G.M),NABARD,Trivandrum along with his key note address and welcome by Mr.Steffin Srampickal ,C.E.O,OFPC.The training session was handled by Ms.Reshma Ann Mathew,Research Scholar ,SYMBIOSIS,PUNE.The session drawn principles of business plan and preparation details,case study on business plan in related to coconut.After the presentation there was active discussion with D.G.M which concluded with the following points."